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Eugene was suicidal. He never thought beyond himself and his personal sadness. Vincent, an invalid, had dreams of doing things that an invalid could not normally do. In the society, invalids generally accepted their place as lower class people. Eugene was able to give Vincent the means to achieve his dreams. And, when Vincent finally makes it to space, Eugene feels like he accomplished the same thing.

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Q: In Gattaca what does it mean when Eugene says to Vincent 'I only gave you my body You gave me your dreams'?
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Just that. Being abstinent causes wet dreams. It's the body's natural way of processing unused fluids.

How often can you get anxiety dreams?

Sadly, there are no rules that apply universally to dreams. The subconscious mind does whatever it does. So anxiety dreams happen whenever and however often they happen. However, dreams are influenced by caffeine, alcohol, some medications as well as by illness or other conditions of the body.

Do apples give you bad dreams?

Well. From experience I've noticed that apples give me over powering dreams. Like the type that your body moves in its sleep thinking its in a dream, They do give me dreams No. Any food that causes indigestion or abdominal discomfort can indirectly cause bad dreams. But apples, as such, do not effect most people's dreams.