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The Greek goddess Artemis, goddess of the hunt, was the goddess that hunted with silver arrows.

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Q: In Greece which goddess hunted with silver arrows?
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How does Diana the goddess hunt?

With a silver bow and silver arrows.

Did Artemis kill animals?

She was the goddess of the Hunt; as the goddess of the Wild she both protected and hunted within the wilderness; so too did she hunt wild animals and protect the young among them.

What god has silver bow and arrows?

Artemis- Greek goddess of the hunt

What was Artemis' weapon of choice?

The goddess Artemis' weapon of choice would be her silver bow and arrows.

What weapon did the Greek goddess Artemis use?

Artemis used her silver bow and arrows.

What offerings were made to goddess Diana?

The Roman goddess Diana's symbols are a silver bow, arrows, the crescent moon, bears, and stags.

What accessories did Artemis use?

A bow and silver arrows. As a goddess of the wild, and the hunt, she often did not 'accessorize' much.

What was the Goddess of the Hunt's emblem?

The goddess of the Hunt was Artemis (In Rome, it was Diana). She was also the goddess of the moon, childbirth, animals, virginity, and the Wild. Her symbols were a silver bow, silver arrows, a crescent moon, a bear, a stag, a falcon, and a cypress tree.

What objects did Artemis have?

The goddess Artemis had a silver bow forged by the Cyclops that never missed its target. She also had silver arrows that brought painless death.

Who did Artemis hunt with?

Artemis hunted with hunting dogs and her beloved stag, while using her silver bow and silver arrows. She also had a group of nymphs hunting along side her.

What is Artemis office among the gods?

Artemis was the goddess of the hunt and the protector of women in childbirth. She hunted with silver arrows and loved all wild animals. Artemis was the daughter of Zeus and Leto, and the twin of Apollo. Her symbols include the cypress tree and the deer. Her Roman counterpart is Diana.

How did the greek goddess Artemis get her golden bow and arrow?

Actually Artemis had silver bow and arrows. Her twin brother, Apollo, had golden bow and arrows. Artemis got her silver bow and arrows from her father, Zeus, by asking him when she was very young. She also asked to be a Virgin forever, and to have a pack of girl dogs and to have huntresses to tend to her