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The Conch shell.

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Q: In Lord of the Flies - what was used to call everyone to the meeting?
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What time of day does Ralph call a meeting in the lord of the flies?

Ralph calls a meeting in the morning in "Lord of the Flies" to discuss pressing issues on the island and to address the boys' concerns and fears.

Who blows the conch to call meetings in Lord of the Flies?

Ralph blows the conch to call meetings in "Lord of the Flies." The conch becomes a symbol of authority and order on the island.

Who blew the conch for a meeting and why did he call the meeting in Lord of the Flies chapter 8?

Jack called the meeting under the pretence of discussing the encounter with the beast on the mountain top but really with the intention of attempting to depose Ralph as leader and installing himself as the new leader of the boys.

What does Jack call his group in Lord of the Flies?

The Hunters.

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How do you make everyone one in a group agree to a specific time to meet?

You can do this by agreement, call for a meeting. And everyone should agree.

What items does Ralph find how do all the boys know where to gather in Chapter 1 in the book lord of the flies?

In Chapter 1 of "Lord of the Flies," Ralph finds a conch shell on the beach and uses it to call the other boys together. The sound of the conch signifies a meeting, and all the boys instinctively know to gather in response to its sound.

What are the two reasons given for why the littleuns obey the call of the conch in the lord of the flies?

The two reasons why the littleuns obey the call of the conch in "Lord of the Flies" are that it represents order and authority for them, and they have been conditioned to follow rules from their upbringing in society.

Where in the Bible Not Everyone who call me Lord Lord will see the kingdom of God?

Matthew 7:21New King James Version (NKJV) I Never Knew You21 "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.

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What is the name of the Lord of the Flies creature?

The creature in "Lord of the Flies" is called the "Beast" and symbolizes the inherent evil and darkness within the boys on the island. It represents their fear and descent into savagery as they struggle to maintain civilization.

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