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There is no mention of Simon's family at all in the book so it is unknown to the reader whether he had any siblings or not.

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Yes, Simon had an older brother named Eric. They were both described as being part of the "mulberry and cream" choir in the book.

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Q: In Lord of the Flies did Simon have any siblings?
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Did Jack really think that Simon was the beast in Lord of the Flies?

No, Jack did not believe that Simon was the beast in "Lord of the Flies." He mistook Simon for the beast during a frenzied dance in the forest, but later realized his mistake and Simon's true identity.

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In "Lord of the Flies," Simon challenges the boys on their approach to Castle Rock. He tries to convey the idea that the true beast is within themselves and that their savagery is what they should fear, rather than any external force. Simon's message is lost on the boys, who are consumed by their fear and aggression.

Is Simon from Lord of the Flies an orphan?

There is never any mention of Simon's family. The only things known about Simon's life before his arrival on the island are what Jack reveals. Simon was part of the choir and was prone to fainting.Piggy told Ralph that both of his parents were dead and that he lived with his auntie, so Piggy was an orphan.

What is Simon's relationship to the Lord of Flies?

Simon's encounter with the lord of the flies is one of the most important events in the book. Simon's meeting with Lord of the Flies is a foreshadow into his own death, Simon looks into the vast darkness in Lord of the flies and later dies after his meeting with lord of the flies. The meeting also reveals to Simon that the fear of the lord of the flies or the "beasties" is truly within themselves.Simon is an epileptic and during an epileptic fugue he has an internalised conversation with the evil which he knows dwells within us all. He mentally projects this inner beast onto the pig's head on a stick which Jack has left as an offering for the imagined beast.

Who shared meat with Piggy in Lord of the Flies chapter 4?

When Jack refused to give any meat to Piggy, Simon passed his meat to Piggy. Jack then cut of a "huge chunk" of meat which he thrust at Simon saying, "eat d***you."

Did Saint Andrew have any siblings?

Yes, Saint Andrew, one of the twelve apostles, had a brother named Simon Peter.

Are there any winners in Lord of the Flies?

No, there are no winners.

Did Simon Peter have any sisters?

There is no record or tradition about any siblings that Saint Peter may have had except for his brother Andrew.