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Q: In Mendel's Principles of Segregation and Independent Assortment are explained today by?
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What observation is explained by Mendel's Law of Independent Assortment?

The law states that alleles at different loci separate independently of one another.

What observation is explained by the the law of assortment?

Each pair of chromosomes separates on its own during meiosis.

How is chromosome gene linkage and exception to the law of independent assortment?

Independent assortment can take place only if genes are located on different homologous chromosomes .Mendel was lucky because 7 traits he studied were located on different homologous chromosomes .Bateson 1906 noted first deviation from Mendles law and it was explained by Morgan . Linked genes can't assort independently as they are transfered en block .

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What observations is explained by the law of independent assortments?

Each pair of chromosomes separates on its own during meiosis.

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A theory is a scientific principle, a suggested explanation for a natural phenomena that is supported by well founded evidence and/or repeatable experimental results.A Theory is a set of ideas or explanations on a particular phenomenon gained through scientific study