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The age of majority for the state is 18, therefore a parent(s) cannot arbitrarily force a minor out of the family home without providing adequate support for he or she and/or without using the proper legal procedures.

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Q: In Michigan can the parent of a 17-year-old force their child to leave home?
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No one can "force" you to visit your child, although refusing visitation would likely have negative consequences like the loss of visitation rights in the future and the loss of parental rights as far as decision-making (also the loss of the love of your child!!!). Refusing visitation will not reduce or eliminate your child support obligations; in fact, the custodial parent would have a much stronger case if they requested an increase in support and could show the judge that you are not contributing in other ways to the child's well-being.

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Yes, since the child will be under 16 years old, the child cannot legally decide by themselves that they will not go there. (Assuming that the parent is the child's legal guardian).

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Good question. Usually, most parents who kick their children out make it PERMANENT.

How old do you have to be so you can make a parent illegal in united states?

I think you mean "....making a parent give up their parental rights". You can't make anyone illegal. You can also not force a parent to give up their parental rights, Only a court can force them by taking their rights away. If the child is mistreated the child or anyone can report the parents to the Child Protective Agency.