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Yes, in Modernist fiction, the focus on characters' internal experiences can lead to unresolved plotlines or ambiguous endings. This is often intentional by the authors to reflect the complexities and uncertainties of human consciousness and experience. Readers are left to interpret the text and make their own conclusions.

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Q: In Modernist fiction an emphasis on the internal reality of the characters sometimes means that the if there is one may seem as though it doesnt get resolved?
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In Modernist fictio an emphasis on the internal reality of the characters sometimes means that the if there is one may seem as though it doesn't get resolved?

Yes, in modernist fiction, the focus on characters' internal thoughts and feelings can lead to unresolved plotlines because the emphasis is on portraying the complexity of human experience rather than offering tidy conclusions. This open-endedness allows for multiple interpretations and reflects the uncertainty and ambiguity of life. It invites readers to engage with the text on a deeper, more introspective level.

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Modernist writers influenced by new psychological ideas shifted the focus of their stories from external events to internal thoughts and emotions of their characters. This emphasis on exploring the complexity of the human mind and the impact of subconscious desires on behavior led to innovative narrative techniques and a deeper understanding of character motivations.

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The focus on characters' internal experience of reality

What is the characteristic of internal monologue in modernists writing?

Internal monologue in modernist writing is characterized by the portrayal of characters' inner thoughts, feelings, and reflections in a stream-of-consciousness style. This technique provides a window into the character's psyche and emotions, often revealing fragmented or nonlinear narratives that mirror the complexities of human consciousness. Modernist writers use internal monologue to explore the subjective experience of their characters in a more introspective and psychological way.

If you were reading a story in the Modernist genre in which there is very little external action what might this lead you to believe about the writer's intentions?

You might assume that the internal experience of the characters is of primary importance.

Which is an element of internal monologue is modernist writing?

Unstructured thoughts.

Which is an element of internal monologue in Modernist writing?

Unstructured thoughts.

What is charachteristic of internal monologue in modernist writing?

Internal monologue in modernist writing is characterized by the stream-of-consciousness technique, where a character's thoughts, feelings, and perceptions flow freely and often without traditional narrative structure. This technique aims to capture the fragmented and nonlinear nature of human consciousness, offering insights into the character's psychology and inner workings. Modernist writers use internal monologue to explore themes of subjectivity, alienation, and the complexities of human experience.

What is an element of internal monologue in modernist writing?

An element of internal monologue in modernist writing is the use of stream of consciousness technique, where the narrator's thoughts and feelings are presented in a continuous flow without a traditional structure. This technique provides insight into the character's mind and allows readers to experience the immediacy of their thoughts.

What are examples of modernism in the book Of Mice And Men Between Lennie and George?

In "Of Mice and Men," modernist elements can be seen in the characters of Lennie and George through their struggles with the dehumanizing effects of the Great Depression and the isolation they face as itinerant workers. Their dreams of owning a farm represent the pursuit of a utopian ideal in a harsh, unforgiving reality, reflecting modernist themes of disillusionment and the quest for meaning in a changing world. Additionally, Steinbeck's sparse, direct prose style and focus on the internal experiences of the characters reflect modernist techniques that emphasize individual psychology and subjective truths.

If you were reading a story in the Modernist genre in which there is very little external action what might this lead you to believe about the writers intentions?

The lack of external action in a Modernist story may indicate the writer's focus on exploring the inner thoughts, emotions, and complexities of the characters. This narrative style allows for a deeper examination of human experiences and perceptions. The writer's intention may be to delve into the psychological depth of the characters and explore themes of alienation, existentialism, and the uncertainty of the modern world.

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