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In most every case, the deceased person's estate is responsible for all debts. So, if the person owned any property (investments, house, auto, etc.), then the equity in those items would have to stand good for any debts (including medical bills). However, many hospitals try to get someone else (a spouse, relative, etc.) to sign paperwork at the time the person is admitted to the hospital stating that they will be responsbile for all charges should the person being admitted not pay. This is typically buried in the same print of the documents signed at the time of admission.

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Q: In Nevada who is responsible for a dead spouses medical bills?
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Is a spouse responsible for deceased spouses medical bills?

No - a person's debts die with them. The spouse of a deceased person is not responsible fofr their outstanding bills.

Is a surviving spouse responsible for a deceased spouses medical bills in the state of Georgia?

YES, if you die, then the next of kin is responsible for your debt.

Why am I responsible for my spouses medical bills now that hes dead?

Yes, you are responsible for them through the estate. They have to be cleared before the spouse can inherit anything.

Are heirs responsible for medical bills in Nevada?

It is not the heirs, but the estate that is responsible for any remaining debts. That will include medical bills. If there is not enough in the estate to cover them, someone will not get paid and the heirs may get nothing.

Are you responsible for your spouses medical bills in Oregon?

Oregon is not a community property state. Therefore the surviving spouse is only responsible for the deceased spouse's medical bills if he or she entered into a financial agreement with the attending hospital and/or physicians or other such agencies.

Are surviving spouses responsible for medical bills of expired spouse when there is no estate?

In general, the estate has primary responsibility, one of the reasons to create an estate. The spouse will typically be responsible for the debt.

Is the surviving spouse responsible for a deceased spouses medical bills in MN?

Only if they signed a contract or agreement to accept the responsibility. If not, the deceased's ESTATE becomes responsible for any debts.

Is a surviving spouse responsible for a deceased spouses medical bills in Iowa?

The estate is responsible for all the debts of the deceased. Indirectly the spouse will have to pay them off from the estate before she can inherit.

Am i responsible for my mother's medical bills after she dies?

You are not normally responsible for your mother's medical bills after she dies.

Are both spouses responsible for the bills?

yes they are both responsible for jobs, and supporting each other

Is the surviving spouse responsible for a deceased spouses medical bills in state of Alabama?

In every state, the estate is responsible for the debts of the deceased. Only after they are resolved can the estate be closed any remainder distributed.

Who is responsible for medical bills after divorce is in process?

the one responsible for medical bills, i think its the one who was responsible before the divorce process commenced......