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Q: In Oklahoma is a wife responsible for deceased spouse credit card bills?
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Is a surviving spouse responsible in Oklahoma for Credit card debt of the deceased spouse if the living spouse never signed and document?

In Oklahoma, the deceased's estate is responsible. The spouse can be held as a beneficiary of the costs and by inheriting less from the estate.

When the cosigner dies is the spouse responsible for a repossion that she did not cosign for?

The spouse is not responsible and should not have this on her credit. But the estate of the deceased will still be responsible for the debt.

Is spouse always responsible for deceased debts if they are not on the credit card application?


In Pennsylvania is the surviving spouse responsible for the deceased spouse's medical and credit card debt?

No, the spouse is not responsible. However it does come out there assets left behind.

Is a spouse responsible for credit card debt of deceased spouse in Oklahoma Only the deceased was on the account I was not even an authorized user?

I can't opine on Oklahoma law, but OK is not listed among community property states, and community property states would typically be the only ones where the surviving spouse who is not a co-debtor (or even an authorized user) would be on the hook.

In Michigan is a surviving spouse responsible for the deceased's credit card debts?

The estate of the deceased is responsible for the debts. Indirectly, the spouse is going to pay the debts, either by a smaller inheritance or as a beneficiary of the goods and services purchased by the spouse.

Is a surviving spouse in New York responsible for repayment of credit card debt only in name of deceased spouse?


In California is a spouse responsible for a deceased spouse's credit cards?

If your name is on the account you have to pay. If not, you need to send a copy of the Death Certificate.

In Alabama is a surviving spouse responsible for the credit card debt of their deceased spouse?

Alabama is not a community property state, the surviving spouse is not responsible for creditor debt unless he or she was a joint account holder.

If you live in Louisiana is a wife responsible for the credit card debt of her deceased spouse when the account was in his name only?

No... No...

Would your spouse be responsible for your business credit card debt if you were to die if she is not an account holder?

Your estate is responsible for your debts. If the business is owned by the deceased, the business is responsible. A spouse is not responsible, but the amount they inherit will be affected by the debts.

Is a spouse responsible for a deceased spouse's car lease if it is in his name only?

A spouse is almost never responsible for the expenses of a deceased spouse. However, if the deceased spouse had money and there will be probate, someone may make a claim against the deceased spouse's money in probate court.