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Because they work in the big house

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Q: In Private Peaceful why did everyone work in the big house?
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Why did everyone work in the big house in private peaceful?

Because they work in the big house

Why did everyone work in the big house in private peacful?

Because they work in the big house

In World War 1 could colonels evict people from their homes if they didn't work for him if so why?

Colonels could evict people from their homes if such as in private peaceful the colenel threatens to evict the peacefuls as it was a tied cottage.Meaning that,as mr peaceful died and can no longer work for the colonel the colonel can't let them stay in the cottage.

Can a house be built for 20000 on private property?

Yes - if you are going to do all the work and purchase the materials.

How does the White House work?

well there is no real reason, but it has its one main duty-to protect and defend the president, and a private place for him to do his work

At the time of World War 1 why did everyone have to work at the big house?

=Because not every one had a car and so couldn't drive to work, so if there was a big house that needed help they would HAVE to work there.=

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usually at a hospital but u can be a house runner or u can be someones private doctor

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What is the difference between a private and a personal chef?

Personal Chefs are there at your house and usually cook one meal a day. They also work with many different clients. A private Chef is employed full time and might even live in the house hold.

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They looked for peaceful ways to work for reform

How does private tutoring work?

You hire someone. they may come to your house or you go to them. They help you learn by showing you the material in a new light.

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They can work in a private office or a hospital.