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Q: In Sparta did boys enter military training at age 14?
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What age did boys enter the second stage of training in Sparta?


What did Sparta and Athenian education have in common?

Boys were raised to conform with the religious, work and military training of their parents.

What boys was sent to military camp at age seven Athens or Sparta?


What was the most powerful military in Sparta?

Sparta's strength was it's military. Boys would begin training at the age of 7 and would live separate from the rest of Spartan society until they were 20 years old. Sparta had a strong, professional hoplite army.

Was the strictly ruled military state Sparta or Athens?

Both were strictly ruled - Sparta was a limited democracy, Athens for a time became a radical democracy. Spartan citizens devoted their time to military training as they had a serf population to support them, Athenians did part-time military training only as they had to earn a living.

What was the purpose in the educational system of Sparta?

The educational system in Sparta was designed to prepare young boys for a life of military service. It focused on physical fitness, discipline, and warfare training to create strong and disciplined soldiers for the Spartan army. Academic subjects were secondary to physical training and military education.

How did the system of education differ between Athens and Sparta?

Sparta had a warrior society and the Athens had a a democratic government. Sparta boys began training a 7 years old for a lifetime. Athenian boys attended school if their families could afford it.

Boys were sent to military camp at age seven?


How young boys in Sparta were?

Spartan girls and boys were at the ages of six and seven years old when first starting training.

What were the disadvantages for the Athens boys?

I dont know what boys were but women had no rights in Athens and in Sparta they did.

What were boys in Sparta responsibilities?

Spartan boys Ages 7-12(values training):Boys left home and got basic education. Ages 12-18(physical training):Boys developed physical skills through exercise. Ages 18-20(military training):Men learned how to fight as a part of the army. Ages 20-30(Military service):Soldiers formed the body of the Spartan army. Age 30 (Full citizenship):Soldiers could participate in the assembly and move back home.

In what way did a boys life in athens differ from a boys life in Sparta?

athenian boys went to school ;spartan boys served in the military