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Don't know for sure, but I'm guessing the great state of Texas.

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Q: In Texas if you die and your heir named in your will is dead who will receive the proceeds?
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What does it mean to receive a song from the dead?

To receive a song from the dead, could be a blessing in disguise. This might mean that they are trying to send you a message, get in touch with you, or make you feel comforted. This can happen by a message in a bottle, or a letter written that you find after they pass.

Which rock star had an ice cream named after him?

Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream named Cherry Garcia was named after and the greadfulldead dead singer Jerry Garcia

What is btf's song higinia about?

it is about craigs dead grandma named higinia

What rock group was originally named The Warlocks?

The Gratefull Dead Touch of Grey" was the Grateful Dead's only top ten hit.

What is Madonnas dead moms name?

Madonna was named after her mother, Madonna Louise Fortin.

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Dead in Texas - 2005 is rated/received certificates of: USA:R

Is Augustine dead?

There are a number of saints named Augustine and all of them are dead. Being dead is the first requirement for being named a saint.

What happens when a person named in a will to receive cash is dead?

It varies based on state law, but generally a dead person is disqualified from receiving from the will. Typically, a will includes a residuary clause which names a person or entity that is to receive any remaining assets. The cash would be included with those remaining assets. If there is no further person named or they are dead, then the estate would be treated as if the person died intestate (without a will). Each state has rules for who would inherit in this event. Generally, it is first spouse, then children and goes on from there.

Is Saint Augustine dead?

There are a number of saints named Augustine and all of them are dead. Being dead is the first requirement for being named a saint.

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IS TOP lyer of skin dead or live?

dead. It doesn't receive the nourishment from the dermis.

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What is the name of the dead sea?

You have named it for yourself. It is the 'DEAD SEA'.

Why is my Saturn sc1 completely dead?

You need to define, "completely dead" in order to receive an intelligent answer.

Which founding father was not interested in obtaining Texas?

None. They were all dead by the time Texas was an issue.

Why Dead Sea is named so?

The Dead Sea is called the Dead Sea because no living creature can live in it (other than humans) It is also so named because there is no water that flows out of it...

What do you do with a dead cat in Austin Texas?

Bury it, or have it cremated.