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the devil takes tom away. i.e. he kills him. read the book, it tells you straight up.

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4mo ago

Tom dies suddenly while taking a shortcut through a deserted swamp, where the devil comes to claim his soul as they had made a deal. Tom was later found lying on the ground with his valuables turned to ashes.

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15y ago

a black mark on the forehead

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Q: In The Devil and Tom Walker how does Tom die?
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Does the devil die in 'The devil and Tom Walker?

No. Besides, you can't kill the Devil

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"The Old Gentleman" is the nickname that Tom Walker calls the devil in Washington Irving's short story "The Devil and Tom Walker."

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In "The Devil and Tom Walker," the devil asks for Tom Walker's soul as payment for granting him wealth and success. Tom refuses to give his soul, but the devil takes him to hell anyway.

Who is the Antagonist in The Devil and Tom Walker?

'The Devil and Tom Walker' is a short story published in 1824 by American writer, Washington Irving. The Devil is the antagonist in the story.

Why did the devil in The Devil and Tom Walker steal Tom's belongings?

In Washington Irving's "The Devil and Tom Walker", Tom's wife attempts to extract a deal with the Devil by bringing him all of the silver in the Walker House. Things go very badly for Mrs. Walker and she is killed by the Devil. Tom, who never liked his wife, is happy she is gone and doesn't even trouble the Devil about the return of his belongings.