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Q: In What year was the first magnetic compass used?
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How does a compass work using the Earth's magnetic field?

a compass has a magnetic point which points to the north pole. well yes but....a compass has a magnetic needle inside it which attracts it self to the earths magnetic field. it may not actually point to the norht pole but actually to the earths magnetic north pole

How long ago were magnets discovered?

Magnetic minerals were known in antiquity. Norse mariners used mangetite as compasses around the year 1000-

Which end of magnet points to the north?

the south end because N is attracted to S.A2.To avoid confusion as to whether it is the compass or the earth that has the N pole, when referring to hand-held devices, it is better to speak of "the north seeking end", or the "south seeking end".

Where is the earth's magnetic field located?

The latest figures available for the position of the Magnetic North Pole is 82.7N and 114.4W. This figure is from 2005. The position of the Magnetic North Pole has historically moved at a rate of about 10 miles per year up until the early 1990's when it accelerated to its present rate of about 37 miles per year. It is currently moving towards Siberia.Northern Canada, a few hundred miles from the geographic north pole.APEX: wanderingCommentIt's incorrect to describe 'Magnetic North' as a 'pole' -either in the geographic sense, or in the magnetic sense. The term is used to differentiate between it and 'True North', which isconsidered to be a 'pole' in the geographic sense.The term, 'Magnetic North' describes a location, and has absolutely nothing to do with its magnetic polarity. The magnetic polarity of the location we call Magnetic North is actually a south pole, which is the reason it attracts the north pole of a magnet or compass needle (unlike poles attract).

How much is a 100 year old compass worth?

It all depends on which company made it and what condition it is in.

Related questions

In what year was the magnetic compass invented?

the magnetic compass was invented between 221-206 B.C . i hope my answer was useful and enjoy learning about the compass

When was compass invented?

The first compass was invented around the year 1044. Modern liquid magnetic compasses stem from the mariners compass that was invented in Europe around 1190.

What year was the magnetic compass made?

The dry compass was invented around 1300.

What was the year the magnetic compass was invented?

The Chinese have used a similar device for navigations from between the 9th and 11th century. But who knows where and when else it might have been used? Sorry, not me:)

What year was the first compass made?

the first compass was made in A.D. 1087

Why is it hard to read a compass when standing at one of the earths poles?

Because the earths magnetic poles move around from year to year, and even day to day.

What was the first model year for the Jeep Compass?

The first Jeep Compass vehicle was made in the 2007 model year. This means it was released late in 2006 to Jeep customers. It can still be found today.

What do you use to find true north?

You need to know the variation (also referred to as declination) for your location. Once you have that, you add East variation (or plus) to your magnetic compass reading, and subtract West variation (or minus) from your magnetic compass reading to get true compass reading. To find North, simply line your magnetic compass up so that the needle is on North and then either add or subtract your variation to get the true North reading. See the links below to find the variation for your position.

In what year was MRI first used on a human being?

The first magnetic resonance image was published in 1973 and the first study performed on a human took place on July 3, 1977

What year was the compass invented in?

The compass was made in 1300.

Which color of a compass needle points north?

The US standard is to have the Red point North (look at the rim of the compass, is the 'N' also red or outlined in red?) You should verify this, however, because many things can mess up a compass. I have one that works fine, but White points north because my 4 year old played with a large magnet next to it reversing the polarity. If all else fails, wait for sunrise or sunset. If you look towards sunrise, North is to your Left and South is to your right.

How does a compass work using the Earth's magnetic field?

a compass has a magnetic point which points to the north pole. well yes but....a compass has a magnetic needle inside it which attracts it self to the earths magnetic field. it may not actually point to the norht pole but actually to the earths magnetic north pole