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It was a Propaganda character created by an artist in England that became their mascot for Hitler and eventually gained swastika tattoos. He was used to influence people to buy war bonds and savings.

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Q: In World War 2 what was a Squander Bug?
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What is the abbreviation for the largest war in which the US forces have fought in?

WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.

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yes apocalypse world war 2 is the same as world war 2.

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A war, known as World War 2.

Are there any online games similar to Phage Wars 1 and 2?

Nano War is much like it. Bug War is like it too, now there is also Bug War 2. Moreover in the broader sense similar are Tentacle Wars, Blobble Wars and Ejector.

World war 2?

They might make world war z 2 in 2016.And I hope they will.

What was a doodle bug in world war 2?

A doodle bug was an un maned flying bomb. They used to put enough petrol in them to reach certain destenations. when they ran out of petrol they would plumitt and explode doing a lot of damage they were called v1

Was it World War 1 or World War 2 that had to do with Nazis and Germany?

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the will be no world war 2

Did Erwin Rommel become famous before World War 2 or after World War 2?

After World War 2

Where was the rehersal of world war 2 at?

A rehearsal in not a place in War World 2. In World War 2 it was the dress of rehearsal.