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yes for both digital compacts and slrs - i use both methods of viewing depending on circumstances - using the lcd is great for shots that are at weird angles or if you need to hold the camera very high or low - the viewfinder i find is best for fast action shots that need to be panned or tracked - since i started with old style film cameras i tend to use the view finder more but those who start with a digital tend to use the lcd screen more

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Q: In a DSLR camera is it possible to view the image you are going to take on the LCD screen or only through the viewfinder?
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Is it really necessary to have an LCD screen on a Digital Camera?

No, if you can see fine through the viewfinder no lcd is needed.

What are some of the biggest camera components?

The two largest camera components are the lens and body of the camera itself. Some of the other bigger camera components include a viewfinder, pentaprism, translucent screen, mirror, shutter, and film.

What does VF mean in photography?

View finder A digital camera may have a viewfinder. If it does not have a screen on which it displays a "live view". (The Leica M9 has both)

Why is the lcd screen on your digital camera completely black.never like this before The camera works but can't produce an image on screen?

From what I can understand, if the camera is sill able take pictures but is not displaying any thing on the LCD, then it is a problem with the LCD or LCD cable connecting to rest of the camera or LCD driver on main board. It can be as simple as a loose flexible PCB connection to the camera main board. Some cameras have an option of turning off the LCD screen to save the camera's batteries. This is primarily for cameras with an additional optical viewfinder. If your camera also has an optical viewfinder, you may have accidentally pressed the button to turn the display off. For example, Canon cameras have a DISPLAY or DISP button. If yours has a similar button, try pressing it once to see if that corrects the problem.

What is touch focus?

In touch focus devices, the user can select which part of the image the camera should focus on by touching the corresponding object in the viewfinder. Touch focus is available only in cameras with a touch screen.

What does a mirror do in a digital camera?

The camera lens reflects off what the lens is pointed at so that you can see it through the screen on your camera.

How do you get out of Photo viewfinder screen on Motorola cell phone?

Not a lot of people know

How do you fix LCD screen on a digital camera?

Replacing a cameras LCD is very easy to do. You can usaully buy the lcd cheap on auction sites. It might be better to purchase a broken camera with an intact screen. Make sure you get the same model. Take apart the camera and simply pull the connectors out from the end that is attached to the camera and push the connectors back in (might take some force) with the new screen. Although I have had no experience in this exact area, I would hazard a guess that the expense of replacing the LCD panel would outweigh the cost of a new camera of equivalent capability. Nonetheless, the camera, if it has an optical viewfinder is still capable of providing great pictures. You DO NOT need an LCD viewfinder. If you doubt the picture came out, then snap another. The world didn't have LCD panels before and they certainly don't need them now. See the related link below for examples on how to replace a digital camera's LCD screen. There are many online sources that sell camera replacement parts.

How to Prolong the Life of a Camera Battery?

When it comes to power consumption, not all types of personal cameras are the same. To prolong the life of a camera battery, turn of the LCD and use the viewfinder, as the LCD screen is the biggest energy consumer. Do not use focus continually when not necessary, and do not press the shutter button down half way, as these factors can waste energy. Recharge the battery whenever possible, even if it is not yet empty.

Can a LCD screen on a S Samsung camera break on its own?

It is possible, but unlikely. Temperature variations could do it.

What is the use of directors viewfinder?

View finder acts as an eye to capture the image, it lets u decide what sort of image you want to click, or how much light u want in the picture, shutter speed, exposure and everything, its an eye of camera.

Why do you see a matte image when viewing through your viewfinder on a slr camera?

== == == == In an SLR (Single Lens Reflex) camera, the viewfinder is not a direct view of the scene in front of the camera. The image from the lens is reflected off of a mirror and focused onto a piece of ground glass. It is this ground glass that is viewed through the pentaprism and viewfinder. Images on ground glass are matte images. ************** True enough, but when the camera is not an SLR (such as some medium and large format cameras) a matte screen is still used. The question is why do you see a matte image, not "how does the reflex system work?". The matte screen as a focusing aid was introduced long ago because it is easier to focus on a glass surface when it has a matte finish than if it is smooth like a window pane. Most manual focus cameras these days (SLR or not) that are medium format or smaller, also incorporate a center spot that appears split (horizontally, vertically or diagonally depending on the manufacturer) as the central focus aid. This is often surrounded by a concentric ring that appears diamond-like or "prismatic" which is the Fresnel lens portion. The matte screen makes up the rest. Thus, the manufacturer attempts to please everyone by providing 3 focus aids. Sometimes, longer than normal focal length lenses make the split portion difficult or impossible to use, so one has to rely on the Fresnel portion or the matte screen. Many landscape photographers prefer to have only a matte screen, and will substitue optional screens when possible. When it comes to large format cameras, the matte screen is the only option as far as I know. Micron.