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you have a force field that the first vane you can tell it

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Ellen Funk

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2y ago
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13y ago

The dark vanes.

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Q: In a Radiometer which vane absorb the most light energy?
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What wavelength does chlorophyll a absorb the most energy?

Chlorophyll a absorbs the most energy in the red and blue-violet regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, around 430 nm and 662 nm respectively. These wavelengths are most effective for driving the photosynthetic process in plants.

What color will absorb the most light energy?

Black is the color that absorbs the most light energy because it absorbs all wavelengths of light, converting them into heat energy. This is why black objects feel warmer when exposed to sunlight compared to objects of other colors that reflect light.

What pigment absorbs ultraviolet light?

There are many pigments that absorb light energy. They are as follows:Carotene - an orange pigmentXanthophyll - a yellow pigmentChlorophyll a - a blue-green pigmentChlorophyll b - a yellow-green pigmentPhaeophytin - a gray pigmentThese are all/most of the pigments in a leaf that absorb light energy.!!

Does the color red take in solar energy?

Yes, the color red does absorb solar energy. Darker colors, including red, absorb more solar radiation and heat up faster compared to lighter colors. This is why you might notice that wearing dark red clothing in the sun can make you feel warmer.

When placed in direct sunlight which object will absorb the most visible light energy?

A black object will absorb the most visible light energy because black objects absorb more wavelengths of light across the visible spectrum compared to other colors. This absorption leads to heat energy being produced.

What does absorb spectrum absorb light for?

it means holds most

What color absorbs heat poorly?

Usually the darker colors because they absorb the most light, reflecting only a small portion of what they receive. The lighter colors absorb the least and reflect larger portions of the received light.

Why do darker colors absorb the most heat?

Darker colors absorb more heat because they reflect less light and radiation, so they absorb more energy from sunlight. This absorbed energy is then converted into heat, causing darker colors to feel warmer than lighter colors.

Do shiny materials reflect or absorb radiant energy?

Shiny materials reflect radiant energy because of their smooth surface that allows light to bounce off without much absorption. This reflection properties give shiny materials their unique luster and brightness when exposed to light.

Wavelenghts at which planets emit enregy?

Most planets absorb energy in the light and UV (and shorter) wavelengths. Planets radiate energy in the infrared (heat) and longer wavelengths.

Is there any substance or instrument that can absorb a light?

Most everything light shines on absorbs some of the light. Some of the light is reflected. A black body is the best absorber of light since it reflects none of the energy.

What does re radiate mean?

To absorb some amount of radiative energy, and then later emit that energy in the form of radiative energy. The term is most often used in discussion of absorption of light or infraredradiation.