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Q: In a certain population of red squirrels a mutation causes several squirrels to be born with darker coats. These coats make the squirrels nearly invisible when they are foraging on the forest floor. A?
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Related questions

When does a mutation have the mutation impact on allele frequency?

When the population is small or When there is no gene flow Small population, germ line mutation, beneficial mutation that gets into many progeny and a good deal of luck.

How mutation can change the gene pool?

If a mutation is present in a gamete, then the mutation will enter the population's gene pool. Once it is in the gene pool, natural selection and genetic drift will influence the frequency that the mutation appears in the population.

When does mutation have a most impact on Allele frequency?

When the population is small or When there is no gene flow Small population, germ line mutation, beneficial mutation that gets into many progeny and a good deal of luck.

How does mutation occur in the population?

Mutation can create new alleles, therfore can change allele frequencies in a population.

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When does a mutation have the most impact on allele frequency?

There is no gene flow - APEX

Is the source of brand new genes in a population called mutation?

Yes, brand new genes can only come from mutation.

What are the main sources of heritable variation in a population?

mutations, recombination, random pairing of gametes