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in a commercial eviction does the landlord need to apply to a court for an eviction notice?

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Q: In a commercial eviction does the landlord need to apply to a court for an eviction notice?
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What is the procedure to process a three day eviction notice to a tenant?

This would probably be a weekly tenancy due to the short notice. Most notices require 30 to 60 days notice to terminate a tenancy, depending on the jurisdiction. A legal eviction requires the landlord to document failure to pay rent, or an ongoing lateness in payment of rent by the tenant. He would then apply to the court for a motion to pay rent or quit. Once the documents are signed, they must be delivered to the tenant, or posted on the door of the tenant's domicile. If this provokes no response; the landlord may then file for a notice of eviction.

Once you receive an eviction notice for not paying rent how much time do you have before they kick you out?

It depends on whether you have received a section 21 notice or a section 8 notice. Both notices advise you of when you need to vacate the premises by. Once that date has passed the landlord may apply to the courts for an eviction notice - these normally give you 14 days but the date will be stated on the documentation.

Eviction Notice?

Get StartedAn Eviction Notice is the first step for a landlord attempting to evict tenants from a rental property. An eviction is a lawsuit in which a landlord asks the court to order another person (the tenant) to move out of a rental property. In addition to evicting the tenant from the rental property, in appropriate cases, the landlord or manager may sue the tenant for unpaid rent or damage to the rental property. Before the lawsuit begins, the landlord is required to give notice to the tenant. In most cases, the tenant is required to have a chance to correct the offense. This notice is the first step in the eviction lawsuit, and it may be all that is necessary to remove the tenant or gain compliance. The notice may also be used to evict a tenant without cause.Below is a list of items you may need to review when preparing an Eviction Notice for a tenant. Not all items will apply to every situation. Any documents related to the rental agreement, lease violation, or proof of violation will be helpful in filling out the interview questions.Review the lease or rental agreement provisions.Determine violations of the rental agreement, if any.Determine the amount of unpaid rent, if any.Determine the number of days that the Tenant has stayed in the rental unit beyond the end of the rental agreement, if applicable.Determine the amount of damage to the rental property, if applicable.

Can a landlord collect rent during an eviction?

If the landlord or representative of the landlord, such as an on-site manager acting on their behalf accepts any portion of the rent and they have already begun eviction proceedings, they will have to start over with the legal process if you are being evicted for not paying your rent.

Can an eviction notice get me approvED for disability in Florida?

No. Evictions have nothing to do with disability. A person can apply for disability benefits from Social Security if he qualifies for it.

Tenant files for chapter7 bankruptcy?

When a tenant files for bankruptcy, this will apply to any money tenant owes. In the case of rents, which is not a form of credit, you still must pay to landlord your rent or face the probability of eviction. If you owe your landlord back rent and declare bankruptcy, then you can include this back rent as part of your debt. Back rent is considered a form of credit, because you owe this money to your landlord and he has continued to grant you the right to stay there. It should be noted that whenever a landlord commences eviction proceedings against a tenant, it is never on the grounds of owing back rent. Your landlord's claims against you in small claims court covers that issue.

Can a landlord enter without permission in california?

No, a landlord cannot enter a tenant's rental unit without proper notice and permission in California. Generally, landlords must provide at least 24 hours' notice before entering the rental unit, unless there is an emergency situation that requires immediate entry. Tenants have the right to privacy in their rental units, and landlords must respect this right.

Can someone with a Power of attorney for someone who inherited his mothers property evict without notice if he sells property in Ohio?

The person in the property (the tenant) will have a lease. This is a legal document which sets out how the tenant may be evicted (but can not ignore the federal or state laws that may also apply). This lease is between the tenant and the landlord (whoever the landlord may be) and it will normally specify a period of notice that the landlord MUST give the tenant if the landlord wishes to evict the tenant. So look at the lease and get an attorney if you are worried.

How does RESPA apply to commercial loans or does it?

No. It doesn't apply to commercial loans.

We moved into a home and moved out within 30 days due to my husband losing his job Can landlord keep deposit until home is rented again?

If you did not give a full rental period notice, the landlord could apply the deposit to the rent, until he rents the unit to someone else.

How do you get non-tenants out of apartment rental?

There might be occasions when other people besides the tenant are living at the property and the landlord no longer wishes them to be there. The other people may either be living with the tenant or living there after the tenant has abandoned the property.To deal with these situations, the Residential Tenancies Act provides for a landlord to issue a Notice to Vacate to evict people other than tenants. A landlord can also request a court to issue an order for possession of premises. A Notice to Vacate can be used in two situations:where a tenant has abandoned rented premises and another person who was not a tenant continues to live in the property, orwhere another person is living with the tenant.A landlord can also apply to court for an order of possession if the Notice to Vacate is not complied with.

Can a landlord evict the same tenant twice in six months?

The question is unclear. If the tenant was successfully evicted, there would be no second opportunity. Perhaps you mean the landlord started eviction, abandoned it and then started again in six months. That is fine, he can do that. There could be exceptions, of course. Imagine the landlord tried to evict because the person voted for the wrong guy. The court said you can't do that. Then the landlord can't evict for some other made-up reason because the first try didn't work. It must also be remembered that state and local laws may differ. And, different laws apply in other countries.