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CaCO3 --> CaO + CO2

mass of CO2 = 9.8 - 4.3 = 5.5 g

We assume all 9.8 g of CaCO3 decomposed.

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4d ago

The difference between the initial mass and the final mass is the mass of gas that was produced. Therefore, the mass of gas produced is 9.8g - 4.3g = 5.5g.

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Q: In a decomposition experiment 9.8g of Calcium Carbonate CaCO3 was heated when the powder cooled there was 4.3g remaining how many grams of gas were made?
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Why would the thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate require a higher temperature than that required for copper carbonate?

The thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate requires a higher temperature than copper carbonate because calcium carbonate is more stable and has a stronger chemical bond between calcium and carbonate ions. This higher temperature is needed to break these bonds and initiate the decomposition process. Additionally, calcium carbonate has a larger ionic size compared to copper carbonate which also contributes to the higher temperature needed for decomposition.

Predict the most likely products formed from the reaction between calcium carbonate and sodium metal?

The reaction between calcium carbonate and sodium metal is likely to produce calcium oxide, sodium carbonate, and carbon as products. Calcium oxide is formed from the decomposition of calcium carbonate, while sodium carbonate is formed from the reaction of sodium metal with carbon dioxide released from the decomposition of calcium carbonate. Carbon is produced as a byproduct.

What is the equation for heating calcium carbonate?

The equation for heating calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is CaCO3(s) → CaO(s) + CO2(g). Heating calcium carbonate decomposes it into calcium oxide and carbon dioxide.

What type of reaction occurs when calcium carbonate is heated?

When calcium carbonate is heated, it undergoes a chemical reaction called thermal decomposition. This results in the formation of calcium oxide (quicklime) and carbon dioxide gas being released as a byproduct.

Is the decomposition reaction of calcium carbonate in an open container reversible or irreversible?

The decomposition of calcium carbonate in an open container is irreversible, because one of the decomposition products, carbon dioxide, is a gas, and since the container is open, this gas will mix with the natural atmosphere and never develop sufficient local partial pressure to reverse the reaction.

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What is the equation for heating calcium carbonate?

The equation for heating calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is CaCO3(s) → CaO(s) + CO2(g). Heating calcium carbonate decomposes it into calcium oxide and carbon dioxide.

What is the name of the solid formed when calcium carbonate decomposes?

Thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate release calcium oxide (CaO).

What is the word equation for the thermal decomposition for calcium?

The word equation for the thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate is: calcium carbonate (s) -> calcium oxide (s) + carbon dioxide (g).

What are the uses of decomposition reactions?

Decomposition reactions are used in various industrial processes to break down compounds into simpler substances. They are also important in nature for processes such as decay and nutrient recycling. In chemistry, decomposition reactions are studied to understand the behavior of substances when they are broken down.

What are the application of decomposition reaction?

An example is the preparation of calcium oxide from calcium carbonate.

What is the name when calcium carbonate decompose?

i think its thermal decomposition

Is the decomposition of calcium carbonate reversible or irreversible?

The decomposition of calcium carbonate is reversible as it can be reversed by recombining calcium oxide and carbon dioxide to form calcium carbonate again through a chemical process known as carbonation.

What type of reaction occurs when calcium carbonate is heated?

When calcium carbonate is heated, it undergoes a chemical reaction called thermal decomposition. This results in the formation of calcium oxide (quicklime) and carbon dioxide gas being released as a byproduct.

How is carbon released from calcium carbonate?

When calcium carbonate is heated, it undergoes thermal decomposition to produce calcium oxide and carbon dioxide. This reaction releases the carbon that was originally part of the calcium carbonate as carbon dioxide gas.

How is calcium carbonate affected by heating?

I'm going to answer in a word equation Calcium Carbonate--heat--Calcium Oxide+Carbon Dioxide. It's called thermal decomposition.

What is the symbol equation for thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate?

The symbol equation for the thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate is: CaCO3(s) -> CaO(s) + CO2(g)

What chemical reagent in this experiment can be used to distinguish calcium chloride from solid calcium carbonate?

Calcium Chloride is CaCl2-------this is a salt Calcium Carbonate Is CaCo3------this is a base