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Now thats a good question , my answer is , its hard to determine just how the sky would look over the period of a million years , with all the distruction thats been going on , all the illusions its very hard , but to find that answer out we would have to look about 10 - 20 years into the future because the actions that are going to be executed in that time frame will alter the events of the future if you get what i'm saying , it could either be dark , breathless and unpenitrable to the sun or maybe even toxicated or it could be bright and beautiful just like the way it once was before , clean and healthy for the environment and our bodies .

By: V.G.T

( initials ^.^ have a great day , night or w/e )

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Q: In a million years in the future will the source of light from a star be able to see at night?
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