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:N:::N: triple bond

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1d ago

In a molecule of nitrogen (N2), the nitrogen atoms are bonded to each other by a triple covalent bond. This means that each nitrogen atom shares three pairs of electrons with the other nitrogen atom, creating a strong bond between them.

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Q: In a molecule of nitrogen N2 the nitrogen atoms are bonded to each other by?
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In a molecule of nitrogen the nitrogen atoms are bonded to each other by?

:N:::N: triple bond

What kind of nitrogen is not combined with other kinds of atoms?

Nitrogen gas (N2) is not combined with other types of atoms. It exists as a diatomic molecule where two nitrogen atoms are bonded together covalently.

What is the bond in a nitrogen molecule called?

The bond in a nitrogen molecule is called a triple bond. It consists of three pairs of shared electrons between the two nitrogen atoms.

What is a nitrogen molecule made of?

A nitrogen molecule (N2) is made up of two nitrogen atoms bonded together by a strong covalent bond. It is a diatomic molecule with each nitrogen atom sharing three electrons with the other, forming a stable molecule.

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no, hydrogen, Nitrogen, Fluorine, Oxygen, Iodine, Chlorine, and Bromine are the 7 diatomic molecules.

What element must be present for a molecule to be considered an organic molecule?

Carbon must be present in a molecule for it to be considered an organic molecule. Organic compounds are typically composed of carbon atoms bonded to hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, and other elements.

Is nitrogen made up of atoms or molecules?

it isn't made up of atoms or molecules, and havent got a clue what nitrogen is!!! ------------- Nitrogen is a natural chemical element with the symbol N; nitrogen exist, as other many gases, as a diatomic molecule - N2.

What makes a molecule?

Two atoms or more make a molecule. Normally, the atoms are bonded in a covalent bond or some other chemical bond.

How is the molecular formula NO different from the molecular formula N2O?

The molecular formula NO represents a single nitrogen atom bonded to an oxygen atom, while the molecular formula N2O represents two nitrogen atoms bonded to one oxygen atom. Thus, the composition and arrangement of atoms in the two molecules differ.

Various kinds of atoms or clusters of them covalently bonded to a carbon backbone are termed?

These are referred to as organic molecules. Organic molecules are comprised of carbon atoms bonded to other elements, suchjson as hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur. The specific arrangement of atoms in the carbon backbone determines the structure and properties of the organic molecule.

Is nitrogen homo or hetero?

Nitrogen is a heteronuclear molecule because its nitrogen atoms are different from each other.

What are the atoms of iron that are in a molecule of iron?

A molecule of iron consists of iron atoms bonded together. The most common form of iron is Fe2+, where two iron atoms are bonded together with a positive charge. So, in a molecule of iron, you would typically find two iron atoms bonded to each other.