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There are no stairs - it's a one story house...

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13y ago
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14y ago


Actually..... It was a one story house - a bungalow - So it didn't have stars!
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13y ago

nice try, one story houses do not have stairs.
SIMPLE it is a one story house. there are no stairs.

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Q: In a one story house and everything is green but what colour r the stairs?
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On a street there's a pink one story house everything is pink what color are the stairs i no the answer just how many of you know?

its one story (: there are no stairs..

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This question can be answered two ways, the first is that you are referring to the colour of the green house, in which case the house would be green. However If you are in fact referring to a "greenhouse" then the answer would be that a greenhouse is made of glass, therefore it has no colour other than the colour you can see through it

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If there was a 1 story house and everything in it was blue what color would the stair CASE be?

The house is a one story.It doesnt have stairs.