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my bio book (human body systems -structure, function, and environment) says the limiting factor is Phosphate (page 124 under ecosystems)

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Q: In a pond or a lake the limiting factor that may affect the growth of algae is the level of dissolved?
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In a pond or lake the limiting factor that may affect the growth of algae is the level dissolved?


Limiting factor?

A factor that limits the growth of a population.

A limiting nutrient is to ecosystem productivity as a limiting factor is to population?

"In an ecosystem, a limiting nutrient constrains the growth of organisms much like how a limiting factor, such as food availability or predation, constrains the population growth of a species."

What is the relationship between the terms exponential growth and limiting factor?

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In a pond or lake the limiting factor that may affect the growth of algae is the level of dissolved?

nutrients, particularly nitrogen and phosphorus. High levels of dissolved nutrients can lead to excessive algae growth, a phenomenon known as eutrophication, which can have negative impacts on water quality and ecosystem health. Controlling nutrient inputs can help manage algae growth in aquatic systems.

A sentence for the word limiting factor?

A limiting factor is a condition or resource that constrains the growth or development of an organism or a population in an ecosystem.

What is the it called when factor that causes population growth to decrease?

It is called a limiting factor.

How can a limiting factor affect a populations growth?

migration and species deathex..

What is a condition in the environment that can restrict populations growth?

a limiting factor

What is a sentence with the word limiting factor in it?

The biggest limiting factor to attending college are high tuitions.One limiting factor in the high jump is the height of the participant.Her weight became a limiting factor when the photographer wanted a thin model.

What kind of factor is it when food becomes scarce that it prevents population growth?

limiting factor

What is a limiting factor and how does it affect an ecosystem?

A limiting factor is a factor that restricts the growth, abundance, or distribution of an organism in an ecosystem. Limiting factors can be biotic (such as food availability or predation) or abiotic (such as temperature or water availability). When a limiting factor becomes scarce, it can cause a decrease in population size or limit the overall productivity of an ecosystem.