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Q: In a room temperature more than half of the nonmetals elements are in what state of matter?
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State of matter at room temperature metals metalloids and nonmetals?

See the link below for information on the elements and their properties

What state of matter are most elements at room temperature?

At room temperature most of the elements are solid. except Cs,Ga,Br,Fr,Hg (these are liquid) and nonmetals which are gaseous..except Br which being a nonmetal is not a gas.

Most of the elements are in this state of matter at room temperature?


What is the state of matter of most nonmetals?

Some are solid (eg carbon) some are gaseous (eg oxygen) and one is liquid (bromine).

What can be categorized into different types of elements?

Examples: metals or nonmetals, radioactive or not radioactive, classification after the state of matter, reactive or not reactive etc.

Are nonmetals a state of matter at room temp?

Everything has a 'State of Matter' be it Solid, Liquid or Gas. Non-metals are either gases or solids, with the exception of Bromine , which os a liquid.

What state of matter are most of the elements of the periodic table?

The liquid elements in periodic table are only 2 , Mercury and Bromine, gaseous elements are 11, Hydrogen, Nitrogen , Oxygen, Fluorine , Chlorine and six Noble gases all other elements are solids.

Are most nonmetals are liquid?

Most nonmetals are not liquid at room temperature, as they are gasses. The only nonmetal that is in a liquid state at room temperature is bromine.

What is the most common state of nonmetals at room temperature?


What state of matter is the most uncommon among the elements?

Liquid state is the most uncommon. There are only 2 elements that are liquids at room temperature. They are Bromine and Mercury.

What is the metallic element at room temperature?

I think you are missing something in your question. Are you asking what metallic elements are at what state of matter at room temperature? If not, your question doesn't make any sense. But anyway, here are the metallic elements and there state of matter at room temperature. Gaseous: none. Liquid: Mercury. Solid: All the rest of the metallic elements. hoped that clarified things for you!

What is the state at room temperature of a non metal?

Nonmetals can be solid, liquid and gas at room temperature.