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Q: In a visit from saint nicholas how many reindeer pull Santa's sleigh?
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Why does Saint Nicholas use reindeer and a sleigh?

Saint Nicholas probably never saw or even heard of reindeer. You must have him confused with Santa Claus. St. Nicholas was a 4th century bishop in Asia Minor.

Does Saint Nicholas come by sleigh?

No, he has no use for a sleigh as there is no snow in Heaven.

How many reindeer does Saint Nicholas pull?

None! You have confused Santa Claus with St. Nicholas. St. Nicholas has no reindeer.

Is there such person as Saint Nicholas?

Saint Nickolas of Myra was real. He was a 4th century Catholic bishop in Myra, a town in a Greek colony in what is now modern Turkey. Santa Claus is a fictional character very loosely based on the man Saint Nicholas. However, the real Nicholas did not live at the North Pole and had no elves, sleigh or reindeer.

Who eats santas milk and cookies late at night?

Old Saint Nicholas.... Those cookies are for him and him alone.

Is santas birthday on Christmas?

Santa Claus (Saint Nicholas')birthday is on March 15, 270 AD.

What was santas Claus real name?

Nicholas. Claus is a German nickname for Nicholas. They called him Santa Claus while in English he was properly called Saint Nicholas. The Americans adopted the German nickname for him. The English called him "Father Christmas".

Did the real Saint Nicholas of Myra use reindeer?

No, reindeer did not exist in his country of what is now called Turkey. He went everywhere on foot.

What was Santas name?

Santa Claus, also known as Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle, and simply "Santa".

How do you spell Santas last name?

Santa is "Santa Claus" (from Saint Nicholas, as Nicolaus).

Why was Rudolph the Reindeer invented?

probably as an analogy to sinterklaas (saint nicholas), whose legend is still alive in the Netherlands and flanders and who rides on a white horse. as santa Claus (note the similarity to saint nicholas) needed some vehicle to travel the whole world (like saint nicholas), and as he lived in northern Europe, a reindeer was the most obvious choice.

Why does Santa use a sleigh?

Santa Claus's reindeer form a team of flying reindeer that traditionally pull the sleigh of Santa Claus and help him deliver Christmas gifts. The commonly cited names of the reindeer are Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and Rudolph when there is bad weather.