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Q: In a what that matter's identity stays the same?
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What stays the same in a physical change?

The chemical nature/identity of the substance stays the same when a physical change takes place.

What is the definition for the identity property?

The identity property is when you take a number and you can either add or subtract a certain number or fraction to it and it stays the same. You can remember that the ID (identity) stays the same. An example would be 9-0=9. The 9 stayed the same, even when you subtracted something from it. You could even do 6x1=6.

Does the speed stay same no matters what mass?

That depends on the situation. If the object is moving freely in a vacuum, the speed stays the same. If an object is accelerating, the speed change depends in part, on the mass of the object.

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Heating gasses or liquids has no effect on their masses.

What are different matters?

Matters that are not the same.

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A variable in an experiment that stays the same is a constant.

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Chemical Change

When salt dissolves in water the amount of salt decreases or stays the same?

stays the same

What is a name for a number that stays the same?

uhh there is not a name, its just a number that stays the same lolol.

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Chemical (formula) composition of the compound concerned.

Is the same height of bride and groom matters?

No.....The same height of bride and groom isn't matters.