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Bees don't produce pollen, they collect it from flowers.

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Q: In a worker bee's life time how much pollen does it produce?
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Related questions

What is a honey bees role in life?

To produce honey.

What is the bee responsible for in a life cycle of a plant?

Some plants produce nectar and pollen that acts as the bees' food. Trees can be a structure for their homes, called beehives. and Because if there was no plant for the bee to pollinate they would no longer have food and they bees also are a huge part of the human race. lately bumble bees have been reducing dangerously in numbers. if these bees all die than the flowers will stop being pollinated and that means less oxygen and the human race along with every other animal on earth will die eventually.

Why do flowers have a life cycle?

because they produce pollen it involes seed dis[persal

What plants attract both bees and butterflies though there life cycle?

All flowering plants offer nectar and pollen, great attractions to bees and butterflies, and aiding in cross pollination.

What are the uses of a honey bee hive?

Most plants require insects to transfer pollen from one flower to another, and most of this pollination is done by bees. Without pollination, plants would not produce seeds or fruit, so bees are not just useful, they are essential for life as we know it.

Why dont honey bees live in Antarctica?

Bees need a food source (pollen) that is not freely available in Antarctica. Also they would not be able to survive in the climate in Antarctica due to the low temperature.

How do bees start life?

Honey bees start life as an egg laid by the queen in a hexagonal cell within the hive. After three days the egg changes into a larva and the other bees feed it with pollen and then seal the cell with wax. After a total of 21 days from the time that the egg was laid, a fully formed worker bee will eat the wax capping and emerge from the cell. In the case of a drone (male bee) the time taken is 24 days.

What do the bees represent in The Secret Life of Bees?

In "The Secret Life of Bees," the bees symbolize community, female power, and growth. Through their organization and work ethic, the bees mirror the growth and healing experienced by the characters in the novel, particularly the protagonist, Lily. The bees also represent the importance of interconnectedness and the strength that comes from working together towards a common goal.

What happens on the 20th day of a bees life?

Nothing in particular. From the time that a honey bee egg is laid until it hatches out as a fully formed worker bee is 21 days and in another 21 days (approximately) the bee will be ready to leave the hive and go on foraging trips for nectar and pollen.

How old can a honeybee become before it dies?

A queen honeybee lives a protected and 'easy' life. She can live three to four years! But drones or worker bees have an average lifespan of a few weeks (1 month) to months (about 6 months). Worker bees can get evicted from the hive! Without the hive and its protection, the evicted bees will die.

Why do flowers release pollen in the spring and early summer?

Flowers release pollen in the spring and early summer because these are the times when the conditions are just right to produce life from the pollen, as there is more heat than in the autumn/winter.

How do honey bees develop?

The queen lays an egg in a cell and after three days the egg changes into a larva. The worker bees in the hive feed the larva with pollen and then seal the cell with wax. After a total of 21 days, a fully formed worker bee will eat its way through the wax capping of the cell and emerge into the hive. For approximately 10 days the young bee will be a 'nurse bee' looking after the new eggs that have been laid and feeding pollen to the larvae. For the following 10 days the bee becomes a 'house bee' keeping the hive clean and doing general maintenance work in the hive. It is then ready to be a fully qualified worker and spends the next 3 weeks of its life collecting nectar and pollen for the hive. It literally works its self to death and at the end of this 3 week period it dies having been alive for only 6 weeks. (6 months in winter)