

In about 5 years the sun will become?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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6y ago

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About the same as it is now. You will notice no difference in five years.

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Q: In about 5 years the sun will become?
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Will the sun turn into a red giant soon?

No. The sun will become a red giant in about 5 billion years.

The lifespan of the sun before reaching the red giant stage is about?

The Sun is expected to become a red giant in about 5 billion (i.e., 5000 million) years.The Sun is expected to become a red giant in about 5 billion (i.e., 5000 million) years.The Sun is expected to become a red giant in about 5 billion (i.e., 5000 million) years.The Sun is expected to become a red giant in about 5 billion (i.e., 5000 million) years.

Why is the sun going to kill us?

Because in about 5 billion years, the sun will die and become a giant or supergiant and become a supernova and since we are close to the sun, the supernova could destroy the planets that are orbiting the sun.

What will happen to the sun in 7 billion years?

First in about 5 billion years the sun will run out of fuel in its core and become a red giant as it burns fuel around its core. After that is finished 7 billion years from now the sun will finally die and become a white dwarf.

Will the Sun continue to burn for 5 million more years?

Far more than that. In about 5 billion years the sun will exhaust the hydrogen fuel in its core. After that the fusion will move to the core and the sun will expand to become a red giant for about 2 billion years. After that the sun will fuse helium for about 100 million years before finally dying.

What will happen after 5 billion years to the sun?

Our Sun is about 5 billion years old. In another 5 billion years, we expect the Sun to expand into a red giant star as the hydrogen in the core becomes exhausted and the Sun begins to fuse helium. Helium fusion generates more energy than hydrogen fusion, which will cause the Sun to expand.

How much longer should the sun remain stable stage?

In about 5 billion years, the Sun is expected to become a red giant.However, before that it will gradually get hotter, to the point that in 500 or 1000 million years, it may become to hot for any life to exist on planet Earth.

When will the sun exploed?

No, the Sun doesn't have enough mass to Supernova, it will become a Red Giant over 5 billion years then slowly form into a Nebula.

Will the sun explode?

No. The sun will run out of hydrogen in about 5 billion years, after which it will become a red giant. It will later lose its outer layers and die, but it will not explode.

How long will the suns energy last?

About 5 billion years. Long before that - in about 500 million or a billion years - the Sun will become so bright that it will become way too hot on Earth.

What year will it be when the sun blows up?

The Sun will probably not simply "blow up"; it will gradually become larger, until about 5 billion years from now, it will be a red giant - and, assuming that Earth is not swallowed up by the Sun, it will become too hot here on Earth for any life.

When will our sun turn into a black hole?

It probably won't ever become a black hole, unless for some reason a lot of additional matter falls on the Sun. Stars the mass of our Sun become white dwarves after they run out of fuel.