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Q: In addition to religion what other facets of everyday life were expressed through song?
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In addition to religion what other facets of every day life were expressed through song?

all of the above (APEX)

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No, not at all.

Why does god only talk through the Mormon religion?

God does not talk only through the Mormon religion. God talks through many religions, including Catholicism and Christianity. In addition, God does not necessarily speak through a religion - He speaks to individuals. The Bible says "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God... and it will be given him." (James 1:5) and "Seek, and ye shall find. Ask, and it shall be given you." (Matthew 7:7; Luke 11:9) God will speak to you individually if you pray and have faith. You don't need a religion or a pastor to tell you what God desires for you personally.

Including every religion how many gods are there?

There is one God and one alone. Gods that are heard of in every different religion are untrue Gods. For, how can statues (though those statues signify a God) really answer the questions you have. Help you through the trials you face everyday? Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

How did the Arabs spread the religion through trade?

Arab Muslims demonstrated good morals as honesty and tolerance in addition to refraining themselves from bad deeds as gambling, fornication, drinking alcohols. They demonstrated the logistics of Islam religion and authenticity of Quran as real God revelation words.

What is church authority?

Church authority is the authority of God as expressed through the Magisterium of the Church, which resides ultimately in Christ, as expressed through His Vicar, the Pope, and the teaching authority of the Bishops in union with him.

What were the major ideas expressed by Kabir?

The major ideas expressed by Kabir were a rejection of the major religious traditions and belief in a formless supreme god .For Kabir,the path of salvation was through bhakti or devotion. He expressed his ideas through verses called sakhis and pads