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I am pretty sure that you copied the fifth question on the back of a worksheet, 5.3 Food Chains.......and the answer is in the text....but i'll give it to you anyways.

Energy flows through organism to help it to live. If organisms didn't have energy they would die out.

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3d ago

Energy moves between organisms in an ecosystem through food consumption and energy transfer. This flow is important as it sustains life by providing energy for growth, reproduction, and other biological processes. It helps maintain the balance of the ecosystem and influences the overall health and stability of the system.

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Q: In an ecosystem what moves between organisms Why is this important?
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Does matter moves between the living and non-living parts of an ecosystem via biogeochemical cycles?

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Does matter moves through an ecosystem in cycles?

Yes it does!

Why are matter and engery transferred through an ecosytem?

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Biogeochemical Cycles -Kobe

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Is the carbon cycle the process which carbon moves from inorganic to organic compounds?

Yes, the carbon cycle is the process by which carbon moves between inorganic and organic compounds. Carbon is taken up by plants through photosynthesis and incorporated into organic compounds, then transferred through the ecosystem as organisms consume each other. Carbon is eventually returned to the atmosphere through processes like respiration, decomposition, and combustion.

What two models do scientists use to describe how energy moves through an ecosystem?

Scientists use the food chain model to describe the flow of energy through an ecosystem, showing the transfer of energy from one organism to another through feeding relationships. They also use the energy pyramid model to illustrate how energy is transferred and lost as it moves through trophic levels in an ecosystem, with each level supporting fewer organisms due to energy loss.

What shows how energy moves through an ecosystem is known as what?

energy pyramid