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Q: In an experiment like this why would you record data in a table like the one above?
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What is a record on a databases?

a record database is all the information about one particullar thing xx xx A database record is all the info dealing with one particular subject A database record is a row of data in a database table consisting of a single value from each column of data in the table. The data in the columns in a table are all of the same type of data, whereas the rows represent a given instance. Example Table: ============================================================================================================== For the given table above, an example of a column of data would be FirstName. All the values in that column are first names. An example record (or row) would be the record with ID = 2 which represents the record for Thomas Green and contains each field from that row. Properly designed relational databases use "primary keys" to uniquely identify records in a database. The value (or values) that compose the key must uniquely identify the entire row and only that entire row in that table. That primary key can then appear in another table to represent a relationship between that table and another table. In the example above, the ID column would serve as the primary key for the table. Read more: What is a database record

What is a database record?

A database record is a row of data in a database table consisting of a single value from each column of data in the table. The data in the columns in a table are all of the same type of data, whereas the rows represent a given instance. Example Table: ========================================================== Column Names: ID FirstName LastName BirthDate ========================================================== 1 George Gray 1/6/1960 2 Thomas Green 2/29/2000 3 Cynthia Black 5/30/1976 ========================================================== For the given table above, an example of a column of data would be FirstName. All the values in that column are first names. An example record (or row) would be the record with ID = 2 which represents the record for Thomas Green and contains each field from that row. Properly designed relational databases use "primary keys" to uniquely identify records in a database. The value (or values) that compose the key must uniquely identify the entire row and only that entire row in that table. That primary key can then appear in another table to represent a relationship between that table and another table. In the example above, the ID column would serve as the primary key for the table.

What is record database?

A database record is a row of data in a database table consisting of a single value from each column of data in the table. The data in the columns in a table are all of the same type of data, whereas the rows represent a given instance. Example Table: ========================================================== Column Names: ID FirstName LastName BirthDate ========================================================== 1 George Gray 1/6/1960 2 Thomas Green 2/29/2000 3 Cynthia Black 5/30/1976 ========================================================== For the given table above, an example of a column of data would be FirstName. All the values in that column are first names. An example record (or row) would be the record with ID = 2 which represents the record for Thomas Green and contains each field from that row. Properly designed relational databases use "primary keys" to uniquely identify records in a database. The value (or values) that compose the key must uniquely identify the entire row and only that entire row in that table. That primary key can then appear in another table to represent a relationship between that table and another table. In the example above, the ID column would serve as the primary key for the table.

What is recorded data?

When you are performing an experiment, it is important to take notes while you are experimenting to check your progress. For example, let's say you were testing if people could taste the difference between Coke and Coke Zero. You would make a table and record how each person would respond, and what they think which is which.

Why do wells have to be built below the water table?

If the bottom of a well is above the water table, the well would be dry.

Is it true that in access the columns in a table are calleed records?

No. They are called fields. A row would be a record.

How would the results of rutherford's experiment with an aluminum foil be similar to his gold foil experiment?

they are both green on the periodic table of elements.... the alpha particles would follow the sam pattern. when the aluminum has a greater charge the particles would have a strong bend.

When would a switch record multiple entries for a single switch port in its MAC address table?

A switch would record multiple entries for a single switch port in its MAC address table if it does not contain the Mac address of a particular destination in the address table. It will broadcast to all ports besides the port where entry comes from.

Each what represents a record?

A record in a traditional flatfile would correspond to a row in a table or, more likely, a row from each of a related group of tables.

If a force table was not level what is the affect?

Then a component of the force of gravity would add to any force with a component parallel to the table's gradient, and, in the technical jargon of Newtonian Mechanics, the results of the experiment would become garfed up, i.e., corrupted.

Would regular use of an inversion table actually reduce your back pain from bulging discs?

Yes, regular use of an inversion table might actually reduce your back pain. It could also irritate this so you would just have to experiment.

Why would a Soldier not receive a disclosure that an outside party has reviewed their medical record?

All of the above