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Q: In an experiment what is the variable that stays the same during the entire experiment?
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What is a variable that does not change in an experiment?

The variable that stays the same throughout the entire experiment is called the control.

What do the manipulated responding and controlling mean?

The manipulated variable is the variable that is changed in the experiment. The responding variable is the result of changing the manipulative variable, and the controlled variable is the variable that's stays the same throughout the entire experiment.

What is the variable that is the same in an experiment?

A variable in an experiment that stays the same is a constant.

What is the variable that stays the same?

A variable in an experiment that stays the same is a constant.

What variable is an experiment control?

The variable that stays the same

In an experiment what is controlled variable?

The variable that stays the same

What is a variable that stays the same in a experiment?


What is the variable that stays the same in a experiment?


What do you call a variable in an experiment that always stays the same?

constant variable

What type of variable stays the same in an experiment?

An independent variable stays the same even if other variables change.

What were the controlled variable in the experiment?

A controlled variable is the variable that always stays the same when you change other variables in the experiment. A variable is an ingredient or way of doing something in an experiment.

Is the part of the experiment that is being tested and changed the variable?

Yes, the part of the experiment that is changing is the variable, or the dependent variable. The independent variable, or the control, is the part that stays the same.