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manipulated variable

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experimental variable.

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Q: In an experiment where you change only the temperature temperature is the?
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Related questions

What is the temperature called when in an experiment you only change the temperature?

dependent variable

If temperature is allowed to change in an experiment the temperature would be a?

The answer is variable.

Does the temperature of the water effect a science experiment?

Yes. How much it affects the experiment depends on exactly what the experiment is and how much the temperature has changed, but any change in temperature affects water's physical and chemical properties.

What is something that does not change in an experiment?

A constant in an experiment is something that does not change, such as the temperature, pressure, or a control variable that is kept the same throughout the experiment to ensure accurate results.

What does not remain constant during and experiment and is used to measure change?


What is the independt variable in a experiment that show the temperature and the time of a coffee experiment?

time...bcoz nothing can stop or change it

What temperature is important to record in a freezing point determination experiment?

if you could only record a single temperature reading in a freezing point determination experiment, which temperature should you record

How many things can you change in an experiment?

You only change 1 iv ( independent variable in a experiment ) HOPE IT HELPS :)

Why the initial and final temperatures of the room were taken in experiment?

This is to record the temperature change which is part of your data. This allows you to draw conclusions for the experiment.

When the chemist designs his experiment what should be the only independent variable?


What is it called when two substances are mixed and a temperature change occures?

Usually such an experiment is carried out to find the change in enthalpy of the reaction.

What are 3 things to look for to determine if a chemical change was produced in the experiment?

change in temperature, formation of a gas, formation of a solid