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Q: In ancient Greece the plebeians were upper-class citizens. true or false?
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Were plebeians citizens?

No, if I'm not mistaken, they were the middle to lower class citizens, the normal masses in ancient Greece and Rome. And in the ancient governments, the term was used to refer to the general assembly of people the voted on the issues brought before them and represented the general population.

What is the language of ancient Greece citizens?

Greek or Hellenic.

Who were the Non-citizens of ancient Greece?

Women, forieners, and slaves

How are the ancient Greek and the modern day form of democracy the same?

They are not. There was only one city state in ancient Greece (Athens) that was very briefly a very limited form of democracy (only freeborn upperclass men). All other city states of ancient Greece were kingdoms or other authoritarian government systems.

Why did the citizens of ancient Greece throw rubbish into the street?

because they had monew

How did direct democracy work in ancient Greece?

In ancient Greece Greeks were able to vote in an assembly or by a law making group.In ancient Greece Democracy meant all citizens shared power in some ancient Greek city-states

What did the kings in ancient Greece have?

Authority to rule, and a bodyguard to protect them from disaffected citizens.

What made it possible for people to be citizens of ancient Greece?

Kill or kiss the king!

What was expected of citizens of ancient Greece?

they were expecting changes from alexander the great, in the government.

Can you give a sentence for Ancient Greek citizen?

An ancient Greek citizen is a person who lived, worked, and voted in ancient Greece. White males were citizens. Women and minorities had no rights in Greece.

How did the direct democracy work in Greece?

In ancient Greece Greeks were able to vote in an assembly or by a law making group.In ancient Greece Democracy meant all citizens shared power in some ancient Greek city-states

How was democracy in Greece different from Canadian democracy in terms of which citizens could hold office and which citizens could vote?

The main difference is that in ancient Greece only male citizens could vote and hold office.