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Q: In animal cells microtubules grow from which structure?
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Animal cell do not have?

I'm going to assume that you are actually trying to ask "What do animal cells do not have that plant cells do?" The answer is cell walls and chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is what is in plant cells have that converts sun light into energy. Cell walls, on the other hand give the plant cells their structure and allow them to grow with out a skeleton, unlike animals.

What is the process that plant and animal cells grow bigger by adding cells?


What is the difference between the surrounding of a plant cell and surrounding of a animal cell?

Plant cells have a cell wall over the cell membrane. This allows for form and structure as plants can grow very tall. Animal cells have no cell walls just a cell membrane, which compared to plant cells, is rather "wobbly".

What do animal cells do to create new cells?

They grow twice the size, then divide into two.

Explain how things that plant or animals do are done by thework of cells?

the cells are plant cells and animal cells

What if your body grows because your cells do what?

When your body grows, it's because the cells in your body are dividing and multiplying. This process is necessary for normal growth and development, and is tightly regulated by your genetic information and various growth factors.

What happens to cells of a young animal as it grows?

The cell grow bigger

What is the difference between animal cells an plant cells?

Animal cells separate by CYTOKINESIS while plant cells must grow a new cell wall for separation called a CELL PLATE.

Why are you more likely to see a polar view in animal cells than in plant cells?

Plant cells grow along one plane, a single dimension so you're only viewing it from one angle. Animal cells grow in three dimensions allowing us to view the cell from all angles.

How does the structure of microtubules allow them to apparently move from one location of a cell to another?

Microtubules are made of a dimer protein called tubulin. They grow in length by adding tubulin dimers, but they can also be disassembled. This process of assembly and disassembly makes the microtubule seem to move from one location of the cell to another.

Why the plant grow?

Meristem cells in the roots, buds and top of the shoot reproduce then specialise, like animal stem cells, causing the plant to grow up & out.

How does the structure of cells near the apical meristem compare with the structure of cells far from the apical meristem?

Cells near the apical meristem are generally undifferentiated and actively dividing, while cells far from the apical meristem are often differentiated and specialized for specific functions. This means that cells near the apical meristem are smaller in size and have thin cell walls, whereas cells far from the meristem are larger and more specialized in structure and function. Additionally, the cells near the apical meristem may have fewer organelles and vacuoles compared to those far from the meristem.