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No, Leslie does not worry about what people think of her in "Bridge to Terabithia." She is confident in herself and her unique personality, and she does not feel the need to conform to societal expectations. Leslie values creativity and individuality over conforming to others' opinions.

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Q: In bridge to terabithia does Leslie worry of what people think of her?
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What did Jess plan to give to Leslie in Bridge to Terabithia?

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What are the three rising action in Bridge to Terabithia?

Three rising actions in "Bridge to Terabithia" are Jess and Leslie's friendship deepening as they create and explore Terabithia together, Janice Avery's bullying behavior towards Leslie, and the challenges Jess faces in trying to improve his running speed to win the race.

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i THINK, josh hutcherson was 14 when he made bridge to terabithia.

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The problem is Jess's low self-esteem. He seems to think of himself lowly. Leslie and Terabithia is the solution. They help him get courage and strength

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Jess Aarons is ten years old in the book "Bridge to Terabithia" by Katherine Paterson.

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Prince Terrien of Terabithia is Leslie Burke's puppy. He was given to Leslie as a Christmas present from her friend, Jesse Aarons. For more info, read the book Bridge to Terabithia by Katerine Paterson.

Did Leslie really die in Bridge to Terabithia because some people say she was captured by the dark master?

In the book "Bridge to Terabithia" by Katherine Paterson, Leslie does die. There is no indication that she was captured by a dark master. Her death is a crucial event that impacts the other characters in the story.

Why did the book the Bridge to Terabithia win the newberry metal award?

I think Bridge to Terabithia won a Newberry award because it is an excellent book. It talks about two children who like each other. They made a place called Terabithia where they can use their imagination.

Why Leslie die on the Bridge to Terabithia?

Leslie was based on a real life person. Lisa Hill, who was the authors best friend. She was struck by lightning and died at a young age. I think that the author wrote this story as a way to cheer up her son while he was going through the pain of losing his best friend.

What was the resolution to the Bridge to Terabithia?

The resolution of "Bridge to Terabithia" is when Jess comes to terms with Leslie's death and finds a way to honor her memory by rebuilding the bridge to Terabithia and keeping her spirit alive. He also learns to cope with his grief and appreciate the time he spent with Leslie.

How many stars did the movie Bridge to Terabithia get?

3 and a half... or four. (: i personally think it a good movie !

Bridge to Terabithia What new beliefs and values does Jess Aarons develop?

Through his friendship with Leslie and his experiences in Terabithia, Jess develops a belief in creativity, imagination, and the importance of friendship. He learns to embrace his artistic talents, to think outside the box, and to appreciate the magic and power of friendship. Jess also comes to value kindness, empathy, and accepting others for who they are.