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If either the bride or groom is under 18, at least one of the minor's parents, or legal guardian, must appear with the couple. Certified copies of birth certificates are required. The couple must also schedule an appointment with a counselor and then appear before a California superior court judge.

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Q: In california do you need consent from both parents for underage marriage?
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Do parents have to consent to underage marriage if the bride is pregnant?

Not for the underage bride.However, if the male is underage he will need his parents permission.Besides in FL.

In Indiana do you need consent from both parents for underage marriage?

just one

Are you allowed to get married when you are 13 years old?

As far as I know, underage marriage is legal so long as the parents of the underage bride/groom have given consent.

Where can you find a consent form for underage dating?

There is not a consent form for underage dating. This comes from your parents consent and your age, maturity and ideals.

What state doesn't need parental consent for underage marriage?

None of them and in some you also need the courts permission apart from your parents.

Where can you get married underage without parents consent?

lol... no where

Can charges be brought against an adult who marries a teen with parental consent?

well yes and no actually. because during the marriage, the parents have to be there to allow their underage child to get married,and there has to be a written agreement by the parents. if their isn't, then yes, the adult marrying the underage child will have charges against him or her.The marriage actually cannot happen without the parents there,which is most important.

If your parents are divorced and your dad has partial custody would his consent be enough for an underage marriage?

That depends on the state. In many states, if both parents have equal custody, then both signatures would be required.

Do you have to have both parents' consent for an underage marriage in Pennsylvania and can one parent sign if they don't have custody over that child?

If you are under the age of 18, then the consent of the CUSTODIAL parent or Guardian is necessary. So, if this parent does not have custody, then they cannot sign for you to get married.

Can you marry an illegal person if you are pregnant and underage if you have your parents permission?

Most states have an age of consent for sex, and an age of consent for marriage (which may be the same of different). If you are above the age of consent for marriage then you can marry him. If not even with your parent's permission it will likely not be recognized as a legal marriage by the USA. Be warned, marrying an illegal alien is not a guarantee they won't be deported.

Do both parents have to sign for an underage marriage in Texas?


Can you still go in the navy with an underage?

* Yes, with parents consent, GED or diploma