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Q: In case of any violations how can the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch enforce the Liquor Control and Licensing Act?
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What may be a crucial element of defence in civil litigation and in enforcement hearings before the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch?

Key details captured in an incident log is a critical element of defense in hearings before the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch.

What happens when during an inspection of a licensed establishment an officer finds a violation of the Liquor Control and Licensing Act?

the officer records the violation on a form, leaves a copy with the licensee and sends a copy to the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch

What does the Execuive branch do?

the function of the execuative branch is to to enforce laws

Who can enforce the contract?

The Executive branch can.

Which branch of government has the power to enforce laws?

executive branch.

Who has the power to enforce the laws of the land?

In the US, the executive branch has the power to enforce the law.

What is responsibility of the legislative branch?

to enforce laws.

What are the requirements of the Executive branch?

enforce laws

What is the job of the exuative branch?

The job of the executive branch is, simplified, to enforce laws.

What is the power and responsibility of the executive branch?

The power of the Executive branch is to enforce laws enacted by the Legislative branch.

What is the main power of the executiv branch of the government?

It is the executive branch's job to enforce laws.

What is the Executive Branch resonsible for?

the main duty of the executive branch is to enforce or administer laws.