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Q: In chapter 2 the author used foreshadowing to suggest that johnny might kill someone in the outsiders?
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What example of foreshadowing is evident in chapter 7?

In Chapter 7, the sudden appearance of dark storm clouds foreshadows a shift in the mood or events in the story. This could suggest that conflict or trouble is approaching, building tension for the reader.

What word is the use of clues that suggest or predict what will occur later in the story?


The use of clues to suggest events that have yet to occur?

Foreshadowing is a literary technique where subtle hints are dropped about future events in a story. This technique can create suspense, build anticipation, and add depth to the plot by allowing readers to make connections between past and future events. Writers use foreshadowing to enhance the overall narrative and keep readers engaged.

When a writer suggest hints of future events in a story?


What is the use of hints or clues to suggest what will happen later in a story?


What is a hint given to a reader of what will occur later in the story?

Foreshadowing is a hint or clue provided by the author to suggest what will happen later in the story. It can build suspense, add depth to characters, and create anticipation in the reader.

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Where can you find chapter two of outsiders by S.E. Hinton?

Chapter two of "The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton can be found in the physical book itself or in digital formats such as e-book versions available for purchase or borrowing from libraries. It is copyrighted material and should be accessed legally through authorized sources.

What is the use of hints or clues to suggest a future action is called?

Foreshadowing is the literary technique of providing hints or clues about what will happen later in a story. It builds anticipation and can create suspense for the reader or viewer.

What is one exmple of foreshadowing in before you were free?

One example of foreshadowing in "Before You Were Free" is when the main character mentions a feeling of unease before a significant event. This can suggest to the reader that something important or challenging is about to happen.

In chapter 5 what do the owners of the land suggest the tenant farmers do?

In chapter 5 for The Grapes Of Wrath, the owners of the land suggest the tenant farmers to move to California.

What is the Chapter by chapter summary of 1776 by David McCullough?

This is a huge book. I have it and can't give you a summary for each chapter. I suggest you get the book and read it.