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Q: In chapter 5 Why does Richard willfully avoid eating?
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Is avoid from correct?

No, "avoid from" is not correct. The correct phrase is simply "avoid," for example, "You should avoid eating too much sugar."

Why do jain avoid eating meat?

Jains avoid eating meat because the satureated fat of the meat made the Jains sick especially the adults, they also avoid eating meat because the meat they ate had saturated skin which can give cancer and heartburn, it can also be unhealthy to not eat meat

How can you avoid becomeing obese?

Eat a healthy diet, avoid over eating, get more exercise.

What types of meat do Hindus Muslims and Jains avoid?

they all avoid eating, Humans.

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How you can avoid hunger?

You can avoid hunger by eating things that are good for u like fish and fruits and veggies

How do you avoid incomplete digestion of food?

we can avoid incomplete digestion eating some of the spices like zeera

How do you avoid eating?

Don't put anything in ur mouth