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A piece making a capturing move (a jump), can capture only one piece per jump. However multiple jumps are allowed to be made per turn. If a player is able to make a capture, there is no option, the jump must be made. If more than one capture is available then, the player is allowed to choose if he or she takes the piece. So 3, 4, even 5 pieces can be taken on a turn.

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10y ago
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16y ago

yes ,but a king can move backwards a normal checker can't

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13y ago

Yes. Anything can Jump a King, as long as the piece is going the correct way.

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15y ago

No. You can only jump an opponent's piece.

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14y ago

no you cannot

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Yes you can

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3y ago


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Q: Can you jump your own piece in the board game trouble?
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How do you play solitaire the board game?

The board is set out with all the holes filled except the centre hole. You need to choose a piece to start. This piece must then be able to jump over one other piece and land in the centre hole beyond. The piece you jumped over is then removed from the board. Choose another piece, that can jump over an adjacent piece to land in one of the two holes you have now on the board. Again remove the piece you jumped over. Continue in this way choosing a piece that can jump over an adjacent piece to land in a hole next to the piece you jumped over and remove the pieces you jumped over at each turn. You can only perform jumps left to right or up and down - not diagonally. At the end of the game, you must try to get no pieces left on the board, except the last piece, which, after 'jumping' must land in the centre square to win .

What is Poop Jump?

Poop Jump is a game for the Android platform. In the game, you get to be a piece of feces that escapes from a toilet.

When playing checkers what is the penalty to a player who doesn't jump when they can?

If a player does not jump when they can in checkers that piece is taken out of the game.

In a game of draughts can a single cap jump a double?

Yes, a single can jump a double in a game of draughts. As long as the jump would be allowed with another single piece, it is also allowed with a double.

Are you allowed to jump kings in draughts?

Yes: both other kings and uncrowned pieces can jump and remove the opponent's kings from the board. The only difference in ruling is that the smaller uncrowned piece cannot move backwards to do so; whereas kings can move or take in any direction.In fact, if the smaller piece does not take a king that is available for 'the taking', he may be removed or "huffed" from the board for 'not taking'.Whether you are a small piece or a king, you are required to take any adjacent piece that could be jumped. That is a fundamental rule for draughts, and can be used as a basic 'given' in the strategy of play in that game.

Can you jump your own piece with a king in a game of checkers?

Only the knights are able to jump over another chess piece. The king can only move one square at a time.

What can jump a king in a game of checkers?

Either a king or an ordinary playing piece may jump a king in a game of checkers in the United States of America. But the rules are different in Italy. Specifically, in an Italian game of checkers, only a king is allowed to jump a king.

In checkers can a king jump a king?

Yes, otherwise the game would never end! :) For that matter, a normal piece may also jump a king given that the king is further from the piece's starting side of the board - just the same as jumping other ordinary pieces. The only difference between a "man" (ordinary piece) and a king is that the king can move to any black square rather than only those "in front of" it.

What board game name means leap?

'Halma' - from the Greek meaning 'jump' invented in 1883 or 1884.

Do you measure from the front of the board or the back of the board for your approach for the long jump?

back of the board for your approach and front for the jump

How do you solve the Solitaire Di Venezia board game?

To solve the game, you have to jump and remove marbles until there is only one left in the center.