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Q: In control investigation why must all the variables except one to be kept consistent throughout the investigation?
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What is the constant variable in investigation of fungi growth mold?

The variables that you keep the same between the control and experimental groups are the constant variables.

What is the function of a control in a scientific investigation?

You establish a controlled variable from which you can compare your results from your experimental variables.

What dependent independent and control variables are in an investigation?

The answer depends on the nature of the investigation.The answer depends on the nature of the investigation.The answer depends on the nature of the investigation.The answer depends on the nature of the investigation.

How many independent variables should an investigation have?

There can only be one independent and one dependent variable. All other variables should be classed as control variables and must be kept constant to achieve a fair test.

What is the definition of a control variable?

Variables are simply names used to refer to some location in memory - a location that holds a value with which we are working. It may help to think of variables as a placeholder for a value. in system

Is it easier to control dependent variables than independent variables in a scientific experiment?

It is easier to control independent variables

What are the variables that are not changed in an experiment?

The control variables.

Maria recorded the effects of doing homework on her intelligence. Which of these is a control variable?

The control variable (or scientific constant) in scientific experimentation is the experimental element which is constant and unchanged throughout the course of the investigation. Doing Homework

What are contorlled variables in science?

We Is Doing A Project On Control Variables.

Does qualitative research not control variables?

In qualitative research, researchers do not typically control variables in the same way as in quantitative research. Instead, they aim to explore and understand the complexities and nuances of a phenomenon without manipulating variables. The focus is on gaining in-depth insights and understanding the context in which the research is conducted.

What are the two types of variables?

The two types of variables are the CONSTANT and CONTROL.

What is controlled in a controlled study?

An investigation in science that is controlled is an experiment. The group within the experiment that is controlled is the control group. A control experiment is designed to check or correct the results of a previous experiment. It does this by removing the variable or variables operating in the other experiment. The comparison obtained is an indication or measurement of the effect of the variables concerned