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A: Hyperbole.

By describing him like that, in an exaggerated fashion, he's trying to create a strong impression on the reader, rather than meaning he is literally a stone support column. Chaucer is getting across the idea that the Friar is a noble man and an asset to his order, a great support to them.

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B. irony

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Q: In describing the Friar as a noble pillar to his Order Chaucer uses A hyperbole B irony C poor grammar D parentheses?
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Can someone help with English GCSE got an English exam about describing a beach. How do you describe a sand castle?

First, When writing an exam make sure you use correct grammar. Use capitalization, apostrophes, semi-colons, parentheses and punctuation. Also, make sure you have the correct spelling of words. Describing a sand castle can be difficult but think about the time you may have built one. Tell the reader (your teacher, most likely) how the sand felt, the feeling outside and tell them how long it took. Also, Describe the texture so he/she can fully understand (even though they should).

What school did maria tutaia go to?

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List of punctuation marks in English grammar:1. Period ( . ) 2. Ellipses (...)3. Comma ( , )4. Semicolon ( ; )5. Apostrophe ( ' )6. Dash ( --- )7. Hypen ( - )8-9. Quotation Marks (" " ) and ( ' ')10. ItalicsExample: Can you spellwonder?11. Parentheses ( )12. Brackets [ ]13. Colon ( : )14. Slash ( / )

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