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The sort button, which normally has A and Z on it and arrows indicating things can be sorted in either way.

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The sort button, with A to Z on it.

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Q: In excel 2013 Which button can you use to sort your text alphabetically from A to Z or if you're sorting numbers from smallest to largest?
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What is the process of arranging data numerically or alphabetically known as?

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What do greatest to least mean?

This is usually used in the context of sorting, it means that data are sorted from the greatest to the least; in other words, from the largest to the smallest, or from the highest to the lowest. The sorting is done, then, in such a way that each number in the list is larger than the next number.

Ascending order program for java?

public class BubbleSortAscendingOrderDemo { public static void main(String a[]) { //Numbers which need to be sorted int numbers[] = {23,5,23,1,7,12,3,34,0}; //Displaying the numbers before sorting System.out.print("Before sorting, numbers are "); for(int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) { System.out.print(numbers[i]+" "); } System.out.println(); //Sorting in ascending order using bubble sort bubbleSortInAscendingOrder(numbers); //Displaying the numbers after sorting System.out.print("Before sorting, numbers are "); for(int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) { System.out.print(numbers[i]+" "); } }

What is spreadsheet sorting?

It is the process of arranging a group of selected cells in a row or column numerically or alphabetically, in either ascending or descending order.

What is is sorting?

sorting can be described as the arrangement of text/numbers either in Ascending or Descending order

What does descending mean in Microsoft access?

Descending order is when you sort numbers from largest to smallest, or sort text from Z to A (in reverse alphabetical order), or dates from most recent to oldest. Usually we sort in ascending order, but sometimes we want to format in descending order.

How do you find the largest number out of 10.000 positive whole numbers -what's the algorithm?

Maybe (define max list (define maxn list largest (cond ((null? list) largest) ((> (car list) largest) (maxn (cdr list) (car list))) (else (maxn (cdr list) largest)))) (maxn list 0)) ? (Written in Scheme) Sorry I'm not familiar with any algorithms. You're not sorting, but just finding the largest number, right? Because sorting is quite different.

What is internal and external sorting techniques?

Internal sorting it means we are arranging the number within the array only which is in computer primary memory. External sorting it is the sorting of numbers from the external file by reading it from secondary memory.

When given a list of numbers what are the steps to put them greatest to least?

There are several different algorithms for sorting numbers by size. ?The steps to take will depend on which algorithm you wish to use.There are several different algorithms for sorting numbers by size. ?The steps to take will depend on which algorithm you wish to use.There are several different algorithms for sorting numbers by size. ?The steps to take will depend on which algorithm you wish to use.There are several different algorithms for sorting numbers by size. ?The steps to take will depend on which algorithm you wish to use.

Sorting an array of numbers in java?

here you will a good example on java sorting algorithm application

Why are the Red Sox before the Reds alphabetically?

Because when sorting alphabetically in ascending order a space comes before a letter. The 4th character of 'Red Sox' is a space where the 4th character of 'Reds' is an 's', therefore, 'Red Sox' comes before 'Reds' in ascending alphabetical order.