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A capo is a device which is clamped onto the fretboard and is used to hold all strings on a chosen fret, just as if you had your finger barred across on that fret. With that in mind, presumably "capo 2" would mean that you are being instructed to install the capo onto the 2nd fret.

or in short....... you have to clip a capo on the second fret

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Q: In guitar what does capo 2 mean?
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Related questions

What does seventh capo mean?

It means a capo on the 7th Fret of a guitar neck.

What does capo 4 mean?

its an object your put on a guitar to change the tuning. for example if someone says "to play this piece you need capo 4". search "capo" on google for more info

Is it bad to put your capo at the fret on the guitar?

It is not bad for the guitar, but the capo will be kind of useless as it won't be fretting the strings properly.

Where can one purchase a Capo guitar?

You can purchase a Capo guitar online from the Guitar Center website. Alternatively, you can also purchase this item online from retailers such as Amazon.

How does a guitar change pich?

with a capo

What is a guitar capo?

Guitar capo is a guitar in a high octave ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AH-no. A capo is a device that attaches to the neck and bars all the strings. The advantage here is the ability to move the capo up and down the neck. There are real fancy ones that allow you to create a chord, not sure what you'd do with it though.

Can you use a capo on an electric guitar?


Are guitar clamps only for Spanish guitars?

no, i personally have a capo (which is a clamp for your guitar) for an electric guitar. and it works great. but make sure that the capo you buy is for your type of guitar. i have one which is for electric and acoustic and it cost about £5.

What is the key for guitar without a capo?

Standard tuning for a guitar is key of "E".

What are the thing on acoustic guitar that people clip on the guitar?

Either a Capo or a tuner

Does your guitar capo go on the same frets for your 3 4 guitar as your full size guitar?


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