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organic compounds

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Izabella Bins

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Q: In heterotrophs energy for the life processes comes from the chemicals energy stored in the bonds of?
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How do heterotrophs get energy?

Heterotrophs obtain energy by consuming organic matter from other organisms. They break down the organic compounds in their food through processes like digestion and cellular respiration to release the stored energy for use in their own metabolic processes.

Why energy stored in green plants is classified as potential energy?

Energy stored in green plants is classified as potential energy because it is not currently being used but has the potential to be converted into kinetic energy through processes like photosynthesis. This energy is stored in the form of sugars and other organic molecules, which can be released and used for metabolic processes when needed.

When light is absorbed light energy is transformed into stored energy true or false?

True. When light is absorbed by a substance, the light energy is converted into stored energy within the molecules of the substance. This stored energy can then be used for various processes such as chemical reactions or heat production.

What is energy stored in atoms?

Energy stored in atoms is primarily in the form of chemical potential energy, which is related to the arrangement of electrons in the atom's electron cloud and the bonds between atoms in a molecule. This energy can be released through chemical reactions or nuclear processes.

What kind of energy is stored in a Nuclei?

Nuclear energy is stored in the nuclei of atoms. This energy is released through processes such as nuclear fission or fusion that involve breaking apart or combining atomic nuclei, respectively.

Related questions

In heterotrophs energy for the life processes comes from the chemical energy stored in the bonds of what?

In heterotrophs, energy for life processes comes from the chemical energy stored in the bonds of organic molecules, such as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. This energy is released through processes like cellular respiration to fuel cellular activities.

Energy stored in chemicals like food?

Food contains chemical energy stored in the bonds between molecules. When food is digested, these bonds are broken, releasing energy that our bodies can use for various functions like movement, growth, and maintaining body temperature. This energy comes from the sun and is converted into chemical energy through photosynthesis in plants.

What is source of chemicals energy stored in plants?

The source of chemical energy stored in plants is typically sunlight. Through the process of photosynthesis, plants convert light energy into chemical energy in the form of glucose, which is then used for growth, development, and energy storage.

How do plants get energy for growth and development?

Through energy from sunlight that is stored as chemicals

What organelles transform the energy stored in food to perform metabolic processes?

Which of a cell's organelles releases energy stored in food?

What is chemical energy stored in?

Chemical energy is energy stored in chemical bonds between atoms. Energy stored in fossil fuels is an example of potential energy.

What is the stored in the sugars that plants need in order out the processes of life?


What is the importance of chemical energy to cell process?

Chemical Energy, stored in the atomic and molecular structures of chemicals, is important as it is released and used in cells for certain processes via chemical reactions, in other words, the chemical energy and the molecules involved set the stage for such chemical reactions.

How is energy stored in respiration?

Chemical energy is stored in form of bonds

Organisms undergo many different processes in order to be able to store energy and utilize that energy. Through which of the following processes is energy stored in the form of glucose?


What is stored in the sugars that plants need in order to carry out the processes of life?


What is stored in sugar that plants need in order to carry out the processes of life?
