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This cannot be answered 100% accurately from the given information. The speed of light in a vacuum is a constant and it travels at approximately 3x10^8 ms.

When light enters a transparent medium it will pass through that medium based on two main factors - it's angle of incidence and the density of that medium, or more correctly expressed, it refractive index. Other factors including temperature and the frequency of the light will alter the result.

We are familiar with some of these factors though we may not have thought about them. A rainbow is produced when light is slowed and spit by the medium of water held in suspension in the air after a shower on a sunny day. The little balls of water are curved so the suns rays strike them at different angles (different angles of incidence) and the frequencies of 'white' light are slowed and split into different colours and frequencies because the water has a refractive index and the angle of incidence changes because of the curved surface.

So back to your question. If we have pure glass it has a refractive index of 1.5 to 1.54. We will also assume that the frequency of the light is not important. This means that light travels 1.5 times faster in a vacuum than in glass or put another way the light will be slowed down by one third.

So the light will travel through the glass at approximately 2x10^8ms

The glass in question is 2mm thick or 0.002m. Dividing one into the other we get roughly 1x10^-11 seconds to pass through or 0.00000000001 seconds!

In fact it would be 0.0000000000999308 seconds at a refractive index of 1.5 with standard sodium D line spectrum light at 90 degree incidence.

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2w ago

A light ray typically travels through a glass sheet at a speed of approximately 200,000 kilometers per second. Therefore, a light ray would take around 0.01 microseconds to travel through a 2mm thick glass sheet.

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11y ago

Time = distance / velocity = 3.3 . 10^-3 / ( 3 . 10^8 / 1.5 )

= 1.65 . 10^-11 s

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6y ago

It takes approx 9.8 picoseconds = 9.8 trillionths of a second.

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Q: In how much time a light ray travel through glass sheet of 2mm?
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How convert glass sheet into a translucent sheet?

To convert a glass sheet into a translucent sheet, you can apply a frosted glass spray or film. This will create a diffused effect that allows light to pass through while maintaining privacy. Alternatively, you can sandblast the glass, which gives it a translucent appearance by creating a frosted surface.

What is transparent and translucent?

Transparent materials allow light to pass through them without scattering, like clear glass. Translucent materials allow some light to pass through, but it scatters, making objects on the other side blurry, like frosted glass.

What happens when light from a torch falls on a mirror made from a sheet of transparent glass with a silvery reflective layer behind it?

The light from the torch will reflect off the mirror due to the presence of the silvery reflective layer. The transparent glass allows the light to pass through it before it gets reflected, giving the mirror a shiny appearance.

What happen if we use plane mirror in place of glass sheet in newton ring experiment?

If a plane mirror is used in place of a glass sheet in the Newton's rings experiment, interference patterns will not be observed. The glass sheet is crucial in creating a thin air film that causes interference patterns to form. Without the glass sheet, there will not be a variation in the path length of light, leading to the absence of Newton's rings.

What is a material that light cannot travel through?

One example of a material that light cannot travel through is a thick wall made of lead. Lead is a dense material that absorbs and blocks light, preventing it from passing through. This property makes lead commonly used as a shielding material in radiation protection.

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Can light travel through everything?

No , it depends on the opacity of a certain object. for a transparent sheet of plastic, light may pass through. for something like a frosted piece of glass, some light may pass through due to its translucency. for something like a mirror , light reflects but does not pass through. light travels very quickly, but not neccessarily travels through everything.

Is light able totravel through matter?

It depends what the 'matter' is ! For example - it can't penetrate wood - but can pass straight through a sheet of glass.

How convert glass sheet into a translucent sheet?

To convert a glass sheet into a translucent sheet, you can apply a frosted glass spray or film. This will create a diffused effect that allows light to pass through while maintaining privacy. Alternatively, you can sandblast the glass, which gives it a translucent appearance by creating a frosted surface.

What does textured glass do?

If the surface of a glass sheet it textured or patterned it makes it difficult to see through. Thus glass of this type is used in windows where privacy is needed without blocking the light - e.g bathroom windows.

Can you generate enough heat from a light source to cut through something?

Take a magnifying glass, and you can direct the sunlight to rip through a sheet of paper. Message board me if this isn't enough.

How does thermal energy pass through a sheet of glass?

convection currents are used to transfer thermal energy through layers of glass

What do light travel through?

As Gravity is merely distortions in 4 dimensional space time, Maxwell's theory of light can be re-written to suggest that light is a distortion through 5 dimensional space time. Light waves will travel through anthing that does not completely reflect them. Through the vacuum of space, they move without interference. And we know that light goes through window glass pretty well, too. There is a wide variation in the nature of materials and substances, and there is likewise variation in the ability of light to go through these things. Light won't go through a sheet of steel or a brick, but it will go through a block of clear acrylic plastic. There are many, many other substances that light will go through or not. If you can see through it, light can get through it. If you cannot see through it, light can't get through it. But you probably figured that out. Consider more materials and whether or not you can see a light bulb through them.

What is transparent and translucent?

Transparent materials allow light to pass through them without scattering, like clear glass. Translucent materials allow some light to pass through, but it scatters, making objects on the other side blurry, like frosted glass.

What do you call a sheet of glass?

A sheet of glass is called a pane.

What happens when light from a torch falls on a mirror made from a sheet of transparent glass with a silvery reflective layer behind it?

The light from the torch will reflect off the mirror due to the presence of the silvery reflective layer. The transparent glass allows the light to pass through it before it gets reflected, giving the mirror a shiny appearance.

Clear transparent opaque?

Clear substances allow light to pass through with minimal distortion, such as glass. Transparent substances allow light to pass through without scattering, such as a clean sample of water. Opaque substances block light from passing through, such as a thick sheet of metal.

When was Nippon Sheet Glass created?

Nippon Sheet Glass was created in 1918.