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Q: In industry cyanide compounds are widely ised during?
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Cyanide compounds are widely used during?

- gold extraction is based on sodium cyanide- sodium cyanide is an important feedstock for the organic chemicals industry

In industry when are cyanide compounds are widely used?

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In industry cyanide are widely used during?

The extraction of gold and in electroplating of metals.

In industry cyanid compounds are widely used during?

The extraction of gold and in electroplating of metals.

What industries widely use cyanide compounds?

The main uses are the gold and silver extraction; also as precursor of nylon.

In industry cyanogen agents are widely used during?

hide tanning, gold and silver extraction, and plastic production All of the above

What is chemical as use in the industry?

Sulfuric acid and sodium hydroixde are two chemicals widely used by chemical industry

Why are the properties of covalent compounds so diverse?

the diversity of physical properties among covalent compounds is mainly because of widely varying intermolecular attraction

Where can one buy cyanide pills?

Uses Cyanide compounds are widely used in industry. Sodium cyanide and potassium cyanide are used extensively in the extraction of gold and silver from low-grade ores. The cyanide ion can form a wide range of complex ions with metals. Kindly email aidedmeds@gmail .com to buy cyanide online, fast and reliable. These complex metal cyanide ions are extensively used in electroplating. Cyanide compounds are also used in case-hardening of iron and steel, metal polishing, photography, and the fumigation of ships and warehouses. Organic cyanide compounds are used in synthetic rubber, plastics, and synthetic fibers; they are also used in chemical synthesis. Cyanides are used in rodenticide and fertilizer production. In addition, cyanides can be found in the seeds of the apple, peach, plum, apricot, cherry, and almond in the form of amygdatin, a cyanogenic glycoside. Amygdatin (Laetrile) has been used as an antineoplastic drug, but such beneficial effects have not been scientifically proven.

What element is the most widely used compound in chemical industry?


Measurement method of enameled wire?

Enameled wire is widely used in the electronics industry, but of course it is not only used in the electronics industry

What types of crops are grown in Iceland?

Some of the most widely produced crops in Iceland include potatoes, turnips, carrots, cabbage, cauliflower, tomatoes, green peppers, and cucumbers. Sheep, horses, cattle, and chickens are also widely used. However, the most important industry in Iceland is the fishing industry.