

In ivory coast are there any mountains?

Updated: 6/2/2022
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9y ago

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yes the tallest mount is called mount nimba

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Peyton Beahan

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2y ago
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Q: In ivory coast are there any mountains?
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What are the land forms of the ivory coast?

The Ivory Coast features a varied landscape that includes plateaus, plains, and mountains in the western regions near the border with Guinea. The country is also characterized by dense forests and coastal lagoons in the southern areas. Additionally, the eastern regions are marked by savannas and grasslands.

Does Ghana or the Ivory Coast have any mountains rivers or deserts involved associated with them?

Ghana has no mountains. Some rivers are the White Volta, the Black Volta, Tamo River, and Ankobra River. Ivory Coast's tallest mountain is Mt. Nimba. Its longest river is Bandama, and its biggest lake is Lake Kossou. Both countries are south of the Sahara Desert.

What is the terrain like in ivory coast?

Ivory Coast has a diverse terrain that includes coastal plains, plateaus, and mountains. The southern region is characterized by dense tropical rainforests, while the north consists of savannah grasslands. Overall, Ivory Coast's terrain is varied and offers a mix of different landscapes.

What type of jobs people in the ivory coast mainly have?

Ivory Coast people work for a living like any other human being

Which is correct in ivory coast or in the ivory coast?

Neither. The correct term is Cote d'Ivoire (which is just Ivory Coast in French) but the country has refused to have their name translated into any other language than their used language, French.

Which continent has the ivory coast?

Africa has the Ivory Coast.

Where do people live in ivory coast?

In Ivory Coast only!!!

Does Ivory Coast have a prime minister?

Yes, the Ivory Coast has a Prime Minister whom is appointed by the President of the Ivory Coast.

Where did Ivory Coast get its name from?

people used to trade ivory along the coast

Is there any popular personnel known as Dr Donald yaya from Ivory coast who died during the war in Ivory coast and how many children did he have?

9 children did he have

Is ivory coast a rich or poor country?

Ivory Coast is a very poor country.